When you google “Pakistan,” you’re not really presented with the most appealing pictures. What most people don’t realize though, is that Pakistan is blessed with all the natural beauty in the world. There are countless stunning places that when you first look at them, you’re not sure it’s Pakistan. So here’s a look at some interesting places in Pakistan.


Deosai National Park

Source: adventuretravelpakistan

The Deosai National Park is located in Astore Valley in the Gilgit-Baltistan province. It is the second highest plateau of the world and is home to some beautiful wildlife such as the Himalayan Brown Bear,


Trango Towers

Source: Pinterest

Trango Towers, Himalayas of Baltistan, could have easily become the shooting location for Peter Jackson’s Lord of The Ring Trilogy. The trango tower rises a kilometer above the other granite spires in its ridge and has an elevation of more than 6,200 meters above sea level. It features the world’s greatest nearly vertical drop of over 4,300 feet.


Biafo Glacier

Source: Concrodia-Expeditions

The Biafo Glacier is a 63 km long glacier in the Karakoram Mountains of the Northern Areas, Pakistan which meets Hispar Glacier at an altitude of 5,128 m to create one of the longest glacial systems outside of the polar regions.


Methoka Water Falls, Pakistan

Source: Knowledge Picture

Skardu is the primary town of the area Baltistan and the capital Skardu District, one of the areas making up Pakistan’s Gilgit- Baltistan. Just. Look. At. The. View.


Shangrilla Lake

Source: Blogspot

Located in Northern Pakistan near Skardu, Shangrilla Lake is a tourist destination that some don’t know about. It’s hard to believe that it’s in Pakistan and not somewhere in China.


The Hussaini-Borit Lake Bridge

Source: Planet Oddity

For all those thrill-seekers, this is a must see. The Hussaini-Borit Lake bridge is considered as one of the most dangerous bridges in Pakistan as it’s very old, narrow, missing planks and high above the lake. Not necessarily the most go-to destination, but it sure as hell is interesting.


Fairy Meadows Road

Source: Mountains of Travel

Fairy Meadows is a picturesque destination. Getting there, however, is not such an attractive experience. The “road” offers motorist some very ridiculous features; it’s narrow, unpaved, steep, and lacks guardrails. To make it more interesting, you can’t even drive it all the way to Fairy Meadows; the last section has to be covered by bicycle or on foot. Look at the destination below and you will realize that the dangerous journey is no doubt worth it!


Fairy Meadows

Source: World of Travel

It was worth that horrendous drive to see this beautiful place.


Siachen Glacier

Sources: Amusing Planet

Located in the eastern Karakorum Range of the Himalaya Mountains, the Siachen Glacier is 78 km long making it the longest glacier in the Karakoram and the second-largest in the world’s non-polar areas. Unfortunately, both India and Pakistan have been fighting for sovereignity over this region since 1984. Looking at that image, can you blame them though?!


Shimshal Lake

Source: Tumblr

How can a place shaped like a heart NOT make this list?
Located in Hunza Valley, Shimshal lake  could just be the most romantic place in Pakistan. Maybe?


The Skardu Desert

Source: Flicker

Skardu Desert is one of the most unique places on the globe, and is also one of the very few deserts that is too cold. That’s right, a desert that’s cold. This is a great place to have a cricket match without even sweating!


Ansoo Lake

Source: Trek Earth

Did you ever think that there could be a lake shaped like a tear drop? Welcome to Ansoo (tear) Lake. Named for the way it looks, the lake is located at one of the highest altitudes in Pakistan.


Astola Island

Source: Dawn

Did you know that Pakistan has it’s own island? Astola is Pakistan’s largest offshore island and is a part of the Pasni subdistrict of Gwadar District in Balochistan. You can access the island by motorized boats from Pasni, with a journey time of about 5 hours.


Pakistan is a blessed land with so many opportunities. If we work hard, our country’s economy will prosper in no time. Click here to see some interesting pictures from our nation’s past.