More than 70 days have passed since Kashmir blackout

On August 5, India’s government under the leadership of its populist Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to strip Kashmir off its autonomy. It has been more than 70 days since the Kashmir blackout where all forms of communication have been curtailed for Kashmiris. On Monday, a glimmer of hope came in the form of post-paid mobile phone lines being opened for calls for 4 million Kashmiris, but millions others remain in the blackout, still.

All Kashmiri lives are bearing consequences of political instability and here are some of those countless heartbreaking stories:


1. Stepping outside of homes is not an option and so education is being compromised for these children because of the Kashmir blackout


2. The economy is collapsing and people are suffering. Shayan Nabi is one of the many people who suffered

Shayan had to dissolve his company because of the internet shutdown in Kashmir. He shared his story on Twitter, and while he received sympathies, he also faced backlash.

“I’m just a common concerned citizen from Kashmir,” he said while talking to MangoBaaz, “As a businessman POV it has had a huge impact on the economy of Kashmir, KCCI gave an estimate of around $1.4bn loss in the last two months.”

he further explained, “I am a very small entity, my losses are pretty small because I was just a startup, but people have lost a lot due to this communication blockade and lockdown of Kashmir.”


3. Children below the age of 18 are being abducted during the Kashmir blackout and their families have no idea about their whereabouts


4. This nine-year-old boy, whose mother had passed away and was abandoned by his father, was arrested by the Kashmiri police when he went out to get a loaf of bread. He spent two days in lockdown and was BEATEN till he bled. He was left traumatized for life.

One of the 144 children that were picked up by the police between August 5 and September 23, was this nine-year-old

“I started bleeding but they showed no mercy and took me to the police station,” the nine-year-old said, “My grandmother had sent me to a baker to buy bread. I showed them the loaf and told them I had no parents. But they paid no heed and locked me up for two days.”

the grandmother further explained that the experience had scarred him such that he turned into a recluse.


5. Helpless Kashmiri women have to endure harassment every day at the hands of Indian troops “guarding” them during the Kashmir blackout

The Kashmiri police don’t forgive children, they do not forgive women. They do not stop at physical torture. Kashmiri mothers, sisters, wives and daughters encounter absolute horrors when they have to face assault.


6. This pregnant woman risked her life to bring a new life in a chaotic hell that Kashmir has become

The inability to travel within Kashmir, the shut down of all public transport comes at the cost of unborn babies. It comes at the cost of wailing mothers, it comes at the cost of the lullabies that Kashmiri mother sing to their stillborns, at the cost of motherless infants.


7. Women are one of the worst affected by the Kashmir blackout as doctors can’t help them cover basic hygiene for them anymore

basic necessities for women, like sanitary napkins


8. Indian authorities have started using pellet guns and they have caused injuries. one of the victims is Insha, a 14-year old who was blinded.

“Sometimes I think about all this, and sometimes I cry,” says Insha, “I was in a coma for 12 days.”

“I want to write books about the injustice happening in Kashmir. I will write my story. I will write everyone’s story.”

9. Another victim of violence was 8-years-old Faizan Mir.


10. The declining health facilities have caused so many Kashmiris to lose their lives. one of them being Saja Begum’s 22-year-old son, Amir Farooq

“Mom!” he said, ” I’ve been bitten by a snake. I’m going to die.”

Amir’s mother shouted for help to the district hospitals. They arranged for an ambulance to take him to a hospital in Srinagar. However the ambulance was stopped by the soldiers on the way many times, and amir lost his life in the journey.


11. People who have their loved ones stuck in Kashmir are fighting battles of their own. living in despair, hoping everything back home is okay

12. This guy lost a close person in his life and the dead person’s family couldn’t find out until it was too late

via: facebook


13. Journalists are being imprisoned for speaking up the truth about the injustice in Kashmir like this editor of a news website who was detained by troops for reporting on the situation on-ground

It is not just about these 70 odd days, Kashmiris have been suffering since the past 72 years. They have been butchered mercilessly over these years over the game of power. Do their lives matter less? Does their blood hold no value? Or is the war between two third world countries more important than actual lives?


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