English plays a very important part of any Pakistani’s life. Whether it’s at school, at work, advertising or hitting on a girl, English plays a vital role. We may not always make the best use of it but we don’t hesitate to own it either.

1. The irony of this might kill some of us

2. Seems like they aren’t either.

3. That’s right.

4. There couldn’t have been a better name for this salon. Definitely need of some good luck here.

5. Because blasting your bum is haram.

6. Hardees? More like hard D’s.

7. This frandship is wayyy too over!

8. Here they don’t just take care of your appetite, they take care of your feelings as well.

9. We promise they don’t give two shits.

10. Because sughar trumps all.

11. They still managed to get the message across.

12. In case your cell phone is ever “turned on.”

13. The “safest” protest ever.

We’re a funny bunch, aren’t we?