Valentine’s Day plans ka kiya scene hai?

While the history of Valentine’s day is marred with controversy, especially for us in the pious land of Pakistan, we all need a little bit of love. We, as a country are more shocked by displays of love than by displays of violence so I think it’s best to learn to celebrate the one day that is dedicated for all things positive and for all things love.

Some of you may already have Valentine’s day plans, whether it’s to celebrate it with your special someone or to let that person know that you want to make them your special someone, we wish you good luck! And for those of you who don’t know what to do on this day, we’ve got the perfect solution for you. These 13 questions are here to reveal your dream date, based on 13 questions. Hey, it’s easier than actually having plans for Vday, lol.

So WHAT are you waiting for? Take this quiz to find out what you should be doing on the day of love ~

Did you like your answer? Did you hate it? Do you want to retake this quiz until you get the answer you want?  Let us know what you think in the comments below and HAVE A LOVE FILLED 14TH FEB!

Also, remember: this world is increasingly becoming an intolerant, violent and unsafe place so let’s spread love and positivity. Let others live the way they want to live and let’s enjoy the chocolates that all our secret and some not-so-secret admirers send our way on this beautiful day dedicated to the matters of the heart.

Love you.

11 Fun Ways To Ruin Valentine’s Day For Everyone Else If You’re Single AF

Cover photo source Hum Films