A lot of people don’t end up doing what they love, simply because our society deems it impractical. Often, the love of art, music, literature or poetry is thwarted by the parental concern to have a practical degree that would allow a steady (read: boringly monotonous) stream of income, regardless of whether you use it or not.
If you’re one of those few people who followed their “impractical” dreams regardless of zamanay ki baatein, you’ll probably be able to relate to these struggles.
1. When you tell your parents what field of study you want to opt for
Because shaadi is very important, beta.
2. Every subsequent discussion about it with your parent
Sometimes, your parents tend to fill you with most of the self-doubt that you experience.
3. This is usually you at family gatherings
Your mom may or may not lie about what you’re choosing to pursue at this point.
4. You with your “practical” friends
You’re happy for them, but you die inside a little. But you’re doing what you love, money doesn’t make anyone happy. Right?
5. This sad truth
You know this is what you might end up doing too, if you don’t find that elusive “dream job” soon.
6. When people ask how life’s going

You definitely are just about ready for a sad background music for your life right now.
7. This probably sums up your stress relief pattern
The rant goes on for a surprisingly long amount of time.
8. This (irritating) frequently asked question
Because people don’t know what minding their own business, means.
9. When people think you’ve got it all figured out

This is pretty much the question you dread the most because you’re still trying to figure this out for yourself.
10. Your daily routine
11. This major plot hole in the perfect plans of the “practical” folks
Why is this not circulated around the Internet more?!
12. When someone asks you stupid questions about your chosen field
13. This perfectly reasonable explanation to your friends when they want to make plans
After all, you need time to catch up on panicking and freaking out about life in general. And sleep.
14. This hits you right in the feels, for all the wrong reasons
15. That point when you start questioning yourself
16. When you start looking for jobs in your field
Someone’s got to be hiring, right? Right?!
17. This moment when you are impressed and jealous at the same time
God bless that hero.
18. When it turns out that it’s all worth it in the end
Suck it, chacha ki beti.
Should you happen to be one of those people who are trying to live their dreams which are deemed “impractical” by society (or your extended family), just remember that with the right amount of passion and hard work, you can prove anyone wrong.
Keep on being the champions that you are!