Being clean comes instinctively but only a few of us have adopted it as a religion. After all, safai nisf emaan hai. Germs can neither be seen nor heard but some of us can still feel them crawling, leering and conspiring against us. It’s only human to clean after yourself and make sure everything around you looks spick and span. Here are a few things only cleanliness freaks will be able to relate to:
1. Sharing food isn’t an option because of all that free-flowing bacteria.

Wesay bhi kissi ka jhoota khana aur paani nehin peena chahiye.
2. Physical contact makes you a little…uneasy.

Air hugs are fine, though.
3. You and this bad-boy are practically inseparable.
4. Because hand sanitizer is the perfect innovation.
5. You wash newly purchased clothes before wearing them because who knows where they’ve been?

6. You obsessively wash your hands more than three times a day.
or is it 6 times? Who’s keeping count…
7. And make sure everyone else does the same.
8. Brushing/flossing your teeth after every meal is part of your daily routine.

During showers and sometimes…just because.
9. You absolutely refuse to use public toilets.
but if your bladder fails to cooperate, you’re like…

10. God forbid if you ever get hurt, you’d rather just bathe in Dettol.

11. If someone borrows your clothes, you HAVE to wash them before wearing them again.
12. You sometimes sympathize with your loved ones having to bear with you.

You appreciate that they still manage to love you despite all the times you didn’t share your ice-cream with them, or refused to drink in the same glass as them.
13. Cleaning up is your favorite de-stessor.

Works like a charm.
14. Not just stress relief, but ultimate Zen.
Sometimes, you just can’t help it.
If anything, more people in Pakistan should follow your lead in the path of cleanliness. Did you know that 53,000 children die of diarrhea in Pakistan every year?
Crazy, isn’t it? And the simple act of hand washing can bring down this number. In the spirit of raising awareness, Dettol Pakistan recently attempted a world record for the most participants in a hand washing relay.
And they WON!

Fortunately, you don’t have to break a record. All you have to do is teach someone the importance of hand washing. ?
This article has been sponsored by Dettol.