Pakistanis are some of the brightest people in the world; however, there are some people who make us question the nation’s intelligence as a whole.

1. These aunties who have forgotten Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

2. His kid asked for a teddy bear…he took it too literally. 

3. This SuPer KeWl BiKEr BOy who deserved the end result.

4. The vampire photographer.

5. The maulvis who used protection for their attacks.

6. Afridi selling kulfi.

7. The security guard scanning a donkey.

8. The stingy uncle.

9. The cheeky online sufi.

10. Gullu Butt…enough said.

11. The dude who doesn’t need a container for his dharna.

12. The man who fed his cow everything.

13. The guy taking a selfie during a janaza. 

14. The father with no concern for his son’s family jewels.

15. The officers who don’t know the meaning of discrete or honesty.

16. Qaim Ali Shah’s English on a text book.

17. These local spidermen who know that with great stupidity comes zero responsibility.

18. The patriotic ABCD who doesn’t know the different between Turkey and Pakistan.

19. The strongest PTI supporter holding the flag high during Hajj.

20. The dude who knows how to use his wood for good use.

21. The gangsters who took the law in to their own hands.

22. The chief security officer of this building.

23. The dude who could have easily had the donkey pull the rikshaw without the cart.