Do you ever come across a lame forwarded message/internet post and wonder…”Seriously, man? Who makes up such brilliant crap?” Here are 10 famous Pakistani jokes from The Sarri-alist Movement that will leave you laughing on the floor (possibly).
1. Bismillahirrahmaanirraheem.
2. Jew gotta be kiddin’ me.
3. This Knock-knock Akon joke.
4. Waves…Naam he kaafi hai!
5. And you thought Xenon was a noble gas? :p
6. This sarri that got too real about the economic situation in Pakistan.
7. To all the guys named ‘Hayat’ who have to listen to this juggat on daily basis: WE FOUND YOUR CULPRIT.
8. Sarri level: Over 9000
9. Perhaps the most viral forwarded message of 2012 (also the lamest :p
10. And THIS fire pun which has been re-posted 827090078601 times since then:
If you have any similar jokes/sarris, post them on the The Sarri-alist Movement or the comments section below.