Ah, coffee! Clenching a hot mug on your way to work or dashing out after Math lessons to refuel with a full-bodied espresso is incontrovertible proof that a day without coffee is more like asking a blind man to describe color – IMPOSSIBLE! That cup of jitter perks you up, and there’s something incredibly comforting about sipping a steaming cup of caffeine.

But, but, but, IS COFFEE GOOD FOR YOU?

Good News: The case for caffeine is stronger than ever! Studies indicate that coffee is chock-full of nutrients that guard against heart diseases and also Alzheimer’s. Thinking about coffee instantly conjures up caffeine. However, coffee also contains active substances, such as antioxidants, that not only protect against diseases, but also mitigate internal inflammation.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Coffee?

That skinny latte is an incredibly healthy energy booster. Here are the 9 reasons why coffee can cast a positive impact on your health:

  1. Long Life, Healthy Life

Study after study indicates that regular consumption of coffee will mitigate the development of leading risks of death, such as kidney disease, diabetes, stroke, and coronary heart disease, especially in women.

  1. Better Processing of Sugar

A theory by health scientists holds that the more caffeine in the body, the lower are the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.

  1. Bye-Bye to Heart Failure

 A steaming cup or two of java is likely to quash heart failure when a weak heart has difficulty pumping sufficient blood to the body.

  1. Risk of Parkinson’s? Nah

Oh, that! Yes! The chances of Parkinson’s disease are substantially reduced with consistent consumption of caffeine. In fact, those who have already been diagnosed with the condition may also consume coffee to control their movements better.

  1. Your Liver Says “Thank You”

 Decaf and regular coffee wrap a protective layer around the liver. Research indicates that those who consume coffee regularly tend to have their liver enzyme levels within a healthy range than those who do not.

  1. Stronger DNA

DNA strands naturally break and that may result in tumors or cancer if not repaired by the cells. That is where coffee steps in! Consumption of dark roast coffee reduces the breakage in DNA strands. The lower the breakage, the lower the chances of cancer!

  1. Colon Cancer? NO WAY

Did I just hear colon cancer? Oh no! Did you know that one in 23 women is diagnosed with colon cancer? Thanks to coffee, regular or decaf, the chances of developing colon cancer go down by 26%.

  1. What is Alzheimer’s, huh?

 The risk of developing Alzheimer’s expands with age. But coffee is always there for rescue (Thank Goodness!).

Here’s the chant: Two cups of coffee a day keep the memory loss at bay!

  1. No More Strokes

This one’s especially for women – to lower the risk of stroke, at least one cup of brew should be consumed every day!


Why Coffee Is World’s No. 1 Beverage Choice

Coffee Can Help Improve Your Memory. Here’s How