Okay, let’s be honest, when a foreigner comes to town, all he/she has to do is share their love for biryani and cricket before the entire nation falls in love with them.

*Ahem* For example,

It’s pretty clear and quite frankly, it’s a little silly. They’re just people, we don’t need to be SO impressed by them.

However, for you Jeremy fans, we can see the appeal in an outsider taking an interest in a positive image of Pakistan. But friends, you will forget about McLellan after meeting this guy…

The German Ambassador in Pakistan, Martin Kobler is the most adorable human being and we are in LOVE.

AND JUST BTW, this is not sponsored or anything, we just love him so much.

His tweets about his love for Pakistan and its culture has been absolutely charming, to say the least.

He also tweets once in Urdu and then the same tweet again in English. Know any other foreigners who are that thoughtful?

Source: Giphy


And friends, not only has it been his love for Twitter that we well, love, lol, it’s also the fact that he has been shedding light on different issues Pakistan faces, and his efforts on how to cope with them.

Just saying, speaking about them even more than our politics do.

It’s nice knowing that there are people in the world who can appreciate the beauty and culture of Pakistan without bleeding headlines clouding their judgment. Hopefully we’ll have many more Martin Koblers in the years to come, and hopefully many with the same amazing sense of humor and life.


Source: United Plankton Pictures

What do you think of the ambassador? Of his tweets? His views of Pakistan? Let us know what you think in the comments below! Love you.

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