No doubt, the Indian cricket team nailed it with their spectacular performance and also, not to forget the beautiful innings played by Kohli himself. The match was indeed iconic.


So, to celebrate the victory, An Indian politician drew a senseless comparison between yesterday’s cricket match and the Balakot strikes

He basically stated that the victory in the cricket match is equivalent to a ‘strike’ and he also mentioned that in both cases, the Indians have emerged as the victors. He congratulated the entire team and said that ALL the Indians are proud of their team and are happy to celebrate their victory.

We all remember how India had earlier claimed to conduct the ‘successful’ surgical strikes in Balakot. Their claim of conducting Balakot strikes in response to their belief that Pakistan conducted the Pulwama attack was deemed to be false by the whole world. But it seems like the Indians can’t just digest this simple fact and are eager to mention their ‘win’ regarding the Balakot strikes in EVERY SINGLE SITUATION.


DG ISPR Asif Ghafoor promptly responded to the statement made by the Indian politician with a savage retort

He started off by congratulating the Indians for their victory in the cricket match and said that they played really well. He further explained that the strikes and match, both are two entirely different things and they just can’t be equated. Moving on to the issue of the strikes, DG ISPR mentioned that the politician should revisit the results of the response to the IAF violation. He also mentioned how PAF successfully downed the two Indian jets and also conducted Nowshera counter strikes. He ended his tweet by saying, ” Stay surprised.”


Pakistanis immediately appreciated the response and stated that they are proud of their army


There were mentions regarding the ‘fantastic tea’, too


People also stated that Pakistan would have easily won the match only if the army would have played instead of the cricket team


They said that they hope the Indian politician Mr. Shah recovers soon after this bold response from the DG ISPR


Pakistanis reiterated the point mentioned by the DG ISPR and said that cricket is merely a sport and should be treated as such instead of dragging political statements to it

So, this was all about it. What’s your take on the issue? Let us know in the comments below.


DG ISPR Just Dragged “Chowkidar” Sushma Swaraj For Yet Another U-Turn In India’s Statement & Trolls Are Coming At Her

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