Recently, Player Unknown’s Battle Ground, also known as PUBG was banned by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) as they claimed to have received a few complaints from various sections of society. Though it was highlighted that it is a temporary suspension, nothing has been done regarding the restoration of the game.

The unexpected ban from the relevant authorities had infuriated gamers who went on to demand the immediate restoration of the game

Despite strong opposition from the community of gamers, nothing has been done so far. This has further aggravated the situation and the gamers have now been expressing their anger on social media.

Even Waqar Zaka tweeted out in support of PUBG and urged gamers to consider dharna at D-chowk as an option


He tweeted out his stance over the issue and also posted a video on YouTube to explain the reasons behind the delay in the decision regarding the PUBG ban. He further went on to chalk out a pathway to ensure that the relevant authorities get forced to respond timely. He also mentioned that a lot of mainstream media channels are defaming the game for high ratings.

As soon as Waqar tweeted about the details of the hashtag, PUBG users responded by posting tweets to make sure that#ChickenDinnerAtDChowk started to trend

As proposed by the Waqar’s plan, these PUBG users will ensure that this hashtag keeps on trending till Monday. They will wait till Monday for the response by relevant authorities and in case, they don’t respond timely then the community will consider gathering at D-chowk as a protest.

As soon as the trend got initiated, the community of gamers started to respond promptly and tweeted under the same hashtag by clarifying that they are actually considering dharna as an option

They stated that they want justice as E-gaming is not a crime

A few even tried to back up their argument with logical reasons

Gamers asserted that all the problems associated with the game do not even exist and the PTA has banned the game without even understanding the mechanism of the game


So, what are your thoughts on the issue? Let us know in the comments below.


PUBG Just Got Banned In Pakistan And Pakistanis Are Savagely Roasting PTA 🔥🔥🔥


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