Fawad Chaudhry spoke out about the effect of public hangings

The motorway rape incident has stirred an online debate regarding capital punishment. The infuriated awam demands a stern action and in their opinion, publicly hanging the rapists will set an example for the criminals which eventually will deteriorate the crime rate in the country. Fawad Chaudhry has also voiced his opinion on the matter and shared his views.


Fawad Chaudhry spoke out about the demand for public hangings in a very important comment

The Minister stated that he understands the sentiment-driven demand regarding the culprits to be publicly hanged but they’ve been carried out historically, in fact, Pakistan is the country with one of the highest rates of capital punishment convictions and yet it doesn’t deter future crime.

On the contrary, many Western nations are strictly against capital punishment and the crime rate over there is still lower than Pakistan, he said. Which definitely gives on fruit for thought.

He further stated that there’s a dire need to revamp the judicial system of the country to ensure speedy trials in the courts. He said law enforcement agencies should focus on the prevention of crimes because this might actually help to decrease the crime rate in the country. He ended his statement by saying that if the general public wishes to opt for public execution then it can be considered as an option.


As was expected in a bloodthirsty nation, Fawad Chaudhry making his point about public hangings went over most people’s heads

Instead of understanding the Minister’s important point about rehabilitation to prevent further crimes, people mentioned that unnecessary comparisons with the Western world should not be drawn and instead, rules of riyasat e madina should be the focus.



Some vultures even attacked Fawad Chaudhry sahab on a personal level and dragged his family to make their points



A few even tried to correct the Minister by presenting a set of quantitative data

With their intentions being to defend their point, their research was misplaced but what can one do when rational arguments are not what most people are looking for.


They also gave examples of Middle Eastern countries which use capital punishment to keep the crime rate in check



Thankfully there are a few who agreed with Mr. Chaudhry and saw capital punishment as a barbaric method to violate the basic human right of a free trial

They wanted the government to not opt for the bloodthirsty practice and instead wanted them to address the root cause of the issue by educating people.


Rape incidents like this should be stopped at any cost, irrespective of the way selected by the government. The culprits should be arrested and their punishment should set an example for the criminals who willingly choose this path and most above of all, the victim should not be blamed and justice should be served soon.


Pakistan, We Need to Talk About The R-Word. Rape.


Cover image via: geo.tv