Donald Trump is a famous man. He has been famous for many years, now but as the next President of the USA and as the “leader of the free world”, as Americans like to call the guy, he is especially famous, now. His comments about Muslims and Pakistan, though, haven’t made him an endearing figure. Some television reports even tried by allegedly reporting that he was born in Pakistan but that didn’t work either.
Well, Mr. Trump himself may not be a Pakistani but we sure do have a Pakistani Donald Trump.
The Pakistani Donald Trump is a hilarious Twitter account dedicated to Donald Trump where he tweets everything and anything he can, for his Pakistani audience. Here are all the times the Pakistani Trump was more entertaining than the original one:
1. Like the average Pakistani he hates on India, too
2. This Donald’s first item once he gets in office is this:
3. Next he’s going to block Hillary, and he isn’t joking
4. He also seems to be particularly infatuated with Maya Ali
5. Like, a lot
7. So much so that he has watched Mann Mayal
Also see: 13 Pakistani Dramas For Everyone Who Hated Mann Mayal
8. He wants Muslims to be banned from the US but he has reasons you didn’t realize
9. Pakistani Donald Trump also stands with the people who died in the Orlando gay nightclub attack
10. The Pakistani Trump has also suffered at the hands of easyload wali Asma and he’s going to make sure he does something about it
11. But he’s just as racist as the original one
12. And Islamophobic(?)
13. And finally, Pakistani Donald Trump may have become the most powerful man in the world but he knows who will remain beyond even Trump himself