The differences that exist between Hindus and Muslims go way back, unfortunately. Though there are instances of peace and collaboration every now and then, there are also acts of injustices carried out time and again. While we constantly wish for religious differences to be put aside for peace and harmony to prevail, some incident takes place that further deepens the wedge that already exists. This time around, it’s an alleged act of disrespect at a Hindu temple in Karachi.


The following video shows a Hindu temple near the Karachi airport where sacrificial camels have been tied.

The caption states that this has been done on purpose to hurt the sentiments of the local Hindus.

Undeniably, the entire act is pretty unnecessary and evokes a lot of anger.

While it remains unclear whether the caption is entirely factual, the video itself depicts a certain level of disrespect, especially because excretory droppings are visible scattered around a place of worship. It is all too easy to make fun of the incident or turn a blind eye to it, but imagine what would’ve happened if things were the other way around?


As the video started circulating, a lot of people were angry at the owner of the camels.

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In fact, it was great to see people stepping up and calling for mutual respect. 

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Some people rightly called the act unfair.

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and deemed it worthy of their condemnation

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While others stated that harmony between religions is essential…

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…as is mutual respect.

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Some even stated that the qurbani had been rendered useless due to the owner’s insensitivity.

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However, there were those who wanted to believe that the animals had been tied in the Hindu temple after seeking permission.

While there is no confirmation of the aforementioned statement, the fact that the animals had been defecating in a place of worship is also pretty disrespectful. It makes one wonder if the camels should have been tied in the temple, even if permission had been sought.

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Regardless, most of the people were appalled at the lack of respect shown towards another religion.

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What is your take on this incident? Do you think it was intentional? Or were the animals simply there after permission had been sought? Is this kind of behavior okay in our society? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.