So, if you still haven’t seen this lately, we are happy to show you the Lion King 2019 cast because they’re fantastic


Source: Beyonce


Source: Parkwood Entertainment

The Lion King, for most of us, is a huge part of our childhood. The fact that it’s coming back for all of us to enjoy again – yeah, it’s a BIG deal. But as we here at MangoBaaz were flipping out in the happiness of its return, we also noticed something.


The Lion King is basically the fictionalized version of some desi families

Don’t believe us? Have a look at the points we pulled up, you’re gonna love em.


1. The family is HUGE with members you definitely can’t count on both hands

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


2. Most of the family’s women stay in all day and gossip

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


3. The men watch over all said women

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


4. They have zameenein that the father takes his son to show the family’s power

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


5. Oh and how can you forget the family feud over said zameenein

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


6. We all have that phupo, or in Lion King terms, Zazu

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


7. Cousins getting married, lol

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


8. Then there are those loving dur ke rishteydaar

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


9. And then the not so nice ones…

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


10. Last but not least, everyone is always obsessed with babies

Source: Walt Disney Pictures


So there you have it folks, actual proof that the creators of the Lion King were really just Desi people trying to explain their lives.

What did you think about our list? Are you totally as excited about the new adaptation of the movie? SAME. Let us know your thoughts and comments below.