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Bigger is better as its said sometimes and this is something restaurants and fast food chains have taken literally in Pakistan. Somebody tried to make the largest slice of pizza in the country and now Burger Lab wants to do the same for burgers.

This restaurant in Karachi just announced that they’re offering the biggest burger in Pakistan

According to the restaurant, the burger is supposedly loaded with four patties of smashed beef, jalapeños, onion rings and cheese and looks humongous!

And they’re trying REALLY hard for people to like it

But people who’ve tried it don’t really agree with all the claims made by the restaurant

Those who’re trying the burger are taking to social media to express their disappointment with the size of the burger not living up to all the hype that the restaurant is trying to create.

They’re putting up pictorial evidence of how the actual thing does not match up to the ads

And others being thankful that they’ve been fairly warned before giving in to the hype

Some disappointed buyers are going to the extent of calling it “unappetizing”

All of this reaction by customers just goes on to prove that size does matter, after all

While the burger itself may not be as bad in taste, the customers do feel cheated when the actual size does not match up to all the advertising

If you want to try out the burger yourself, you can use our new website, Hungerist, to find out how to get there.

If you’ve ever been in a situation where you’re trying to make dinner plans but can’t decide which restaurant to go to, then you should check out