A student of Bahria University met with a sad fate

Bahria University has caused massive uproars lately with its completely WTF notifications and alleged discrimination against students. How much can one educational institution be incompetent in implementing sane, progressive policies that promote positive intellectual discourse? Sadly we get to see Bahria upping the ante on that one, yet again.


Haleema, a student of Bahria University, fell to her death from the 4th floor of an under-construction building that was opened to the university body without properly securing

Haleema was said to be in her second semester, studying BS Accounting and Finance. Her death has shocked and angered students at Bahria who took to social media to raise their voice against the university administration allowing people into an under-construction building without securing it properly.



It has been shared that the building Haleema fell from was of Bahria Business School, a newly opened separate building which was opened to students without providing water, internet or electric transformers

The students on social media and the ones we spoke to are claiming that  the building was constructed hurriedly to enroll the maximum number of students and they were pushed in it prior to completion. Even the terraces were not fenced. If this is indeed the case, it is extremely unprofessional and disgustingly cold hearted money-hungry move by the administration.


A student of Bahria University spoke to MangoBaaz on condition of anonymity explaining the scene on campus when the news broke of Haleema falling off the building


“We were in our classes when we got the text of Haleema slipping. What we know is that a cardboard or a clothe covered the part of the ground where it was Kaccha. Haleema did not see it obviously and fell four stories down. Her parents were called, but she expired in the hospital.

Classes got cancelled after that. So, it is hard to speculate the management’s reaction. For now, they have sealed the fourth floor. It’s absolutely horrific to imagine what it must be doing to her family members.”


A video of the building where Haleema is alleged to have fallen off of has also started circulating on social media


Pakistanis are absolutely baffled by Bahria University managing to yet again fuck up trying to be a safe space for intellectual discourse for young students in Pakistan


Bahria University is being called out for its dubious policies and incompetence


People are demanding justice for innocent Haleema




Students are alleging that instead of repenting over the incident, Bahria University is trying to delete proof that classes were held at the under-construction campus at all


The management is even presenting excuses to cover up for their blunder


But students are not letting the university management get away with this


Bahria University’s regard for students’ lives could be understood just by this thoughtless remark


There’s nothing more pathetic than an educational institution preferring ton loads of fees over students’ safety. Universities are supposed to be safe havens for students to grow and mature in their intellectual capacities, not be governed by silly policies made by conservative old men who see them as nothing but money-making sources.

Honestly, how many students will have to lose their lives before there is a major change in the educational system of Pakistan becoming more open, inclusive and progressive?

What do you think of this truly saddening incident? Let us know in the comments.



Cover image via Wikimedia.org / @Islaamabad via Twitter