Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain somehow always finds ways to be a part of national news. This time it’s about his personal life and it’s a little sad, to be honest.

Recently Aamir bhai celebrated his second wedding with a grand Valima ceremony

There was lots of chatter, even confusion, about his marriage initially because the news of his second wedding had circulated a while ago but with photos coming out recently people thought this was his third marriage. Soon, however, the confusion was cleared by confirmation that the couple signed their nikkah a few months ago but had their rukshati and valima recently.

His daughter and first wife, however, started tweeting cryptic stuff that was assumed to be directed at Aamir Liaquat Hussain’s new shaadi

This caused a lot of people to criticize the new wedding, particularly Aamir bhai, for ignoring his first family


Now, Aamir bhai has responded to all the criticism by saying that he is providing for his first family

He said, “All the tweets that are being done, where is the money coming from? I am paying for everything.”

Aamir Liaquat also criticized the media for not knowing the complete story. He said that he does not discuss his personal life in the public space and the media is unaware of the complete information regarding his wedding.


His new wife also appeared to agree with his views

People are still being unforgiving

They’re even asking his new wife to ditch Aamir Liaquat because of their age difference


Folks, repeat after me, “jab miyan biwi raazi toh kiya karega qaazi“. It basically means, and in a much more crude way can be translated into, “fuck off”. So you know, let’s just let the family have their way. It’s for his children and wives to whether or not they want to say anything further in public, or not.

That’s all.

Amir Liaquat’s Daughter And First Wife Are Throwing Major Shade On Twitter After His Recent Wedding

Bushra Ansari Just Said “Allah Ne Mahnoor Baloch Ko Shakal Di, Acting Nahi Di” And It’s Triggered People


Cover image via: @TubaAtweets / Twitter
