Waqar Zaka has been hosting a show on YouTube called the ‘Headphones Show’ of late where he has had quite a few controversial and viral guests. He recently interviewed Reham Khan, who everyone knows is the ex-wife of current Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and that quickly went viral for all the wrong reasons.
The interview Waqar Zaka had with Reham Khan caused a lot of controversy of some off-color comments about Imran Khan which the public found deplorable
She made a video to clarify that she had asked for that clip to be edited out of the interview and made some other remarks about Waqar Zaka in general
Waqar Zaka intially responded by telling her to stop comparing herself with him but now he has shared a private call recording he had with Reham to prove his side of the phadda
In the video he just released on the incident he starts off by clarifying that he never intended to make this video and let the matter rest but now that his family was receiving death threats from her, he could not just let it go.
He seemed very annoyed and said he had a new nickname for Reham Khan; he called her Chachi Beghairat.
He then played a clip that he had not aired from a call he had with Reham Khan. He also played her video so he could address her allegations one by one. The first one being that she had not given an interview to a Pakistani journalist because she did not trust them to be honest. Waqar Zaka said that no one in the Pakistani media wanted to interview her.
Reham had also said that she was weary of giving Waqar Zaka an interview because of his ‘reputation’ and that those in her media team had similar feelings. He then asks that she gives interviews to people who have barely any following but it’s him she had a problem with?
Waqar Zaka said he will never apologize to Reham because his rozi roti is not dependent on her but on God
To address her claim of saying she agreed to a one hour interview but when it went over that time limit and she had to put an end to it by saying it’s maghrib time he played an unaired clip of Reham talking and Waqar asking to end the call since he had to go and pray.
He also spoke up about the part of her video where she says that she knows Imran Khan’s weaknesses and that he cannot run the country if he is always focused on what Reham is talking about. Waqar Zaka laughed at this and called it her a delusional ex-girlfriend who is under the impression that her ex is still thinking about her even when he has clearly moved on.
Then he got to the part where Reham alleged that Waqar was so nice to her during the interview but changed his tune during post production. Waqar says to this that he always talks to women respectfully and had he been rude to her during the interview she would have talked about how he was rude to her.
Waqar Zaka also said that Reham lied when she claimed that FIA and PM House were calling Waqar about the interview
He says that he aired the interview truthfully and that he has not gotten any calls from the FIA or the PM house because they are not interested in trivial matters such as interviews on YouTube. He alleged that Reham is lost in a world of her own, completely detached from reality.
And then he talked about the hugely viral clip regarding THAT performance comment
He says even if what Reham claims is true about post production editing, she clearly made the comment. She’s a journalist herself and has given interviews before, if she did not wish to answer the question she could have said ‘no comment’ and declined to answer. Waqar says she is a grown woman who knew fully well what she was being asked, so her answering with an apparent smirk on her face is pretty evident of the fact that she knew what she was doing.
He says she wanted to cause controversy so her name would trend and then she could use that momentum to tweet about the country.
He ended the video by saying that she was the one who talked to him for two to three hours even though they don’t know one another at all. He says he is shocked that she would go to such lengths to lie. Waqar says he treated her with respect and maintained that he had done nothing wrong and hence he would not apologize. You can watch his complete video here.
What do you think of Waqar’s explanation about the interview? Let us know in the comments below.