Hello, my Capricorn friends! The New Year calls for a new you and requires you to plan out everything and make some resolutions. Apart from setting some professional or educational goals, you may like to plan out your relationships with people around you. So, here we are with an overview of how compatible you are with each of the other zodiac signs. This might help you to understand why you don’t get along with some people and why some people are your best buddies.

1. Virgo  – Extremely Compatible

Virgos and Capricorns tend to make a long-lasting partnership since they share more similarities than differences. Both of you are rational and practical and are committed to reaching your goals. A Virgo adores your dedication and intensity, while you admire the Virgo’s intuition and attention to detail. They can help you relax a little and appreciate you, while you can help a Virgo achieve goals through initiation. This way, you two can make your relationships work well.

2. Taurus  – Extremely Compatible 

Taurus and Capricorn naturally attract each other as both are Earth signs. Both of you share certain down-to-earth interests and a common sense of logic. You two admire each other’s strength and dedication and approach to life. Taurus folks are usually not interested in risking more than they need to when it comes to emotional connections, while you are disinterested in taking risks, usually in relation to career and money. You consider career as your main focus, while they also tend to set some high standards for themselves. Sometimes you might see Taurus folks as lazy, since they may not have enough of a “get up and go” kind of approach for you, and they may see you as a workaholic, but if you strike a balance, your connection could turn out into a really happy and long-lasting one.

3. Pisces – Extremely Compatible 

Though it may seem that Pisces and Capricorn are not compatible, they really are. It’s sort of a yin and yang kind of a compatibility where the two complement each other. The two of you have qualities that the other needs. It is like opposites attracting. Pisces folks can help you see the colors and creativity of life, while you can help the dreamy and emotional Pisces to stay focused and keep their feet grounded. Pisces are kind and caring, which allows you to be your best self.  On the other hand, you can provide them with a safe environment for expressing their deep emotions.

4. Scorpio – Extremely Compatible

Scorpio and Capricorn have a lot in common, and hence, their compatibility is strong. You have a certain chemistry and are a fascinating mix. You both move cautiously into a relationship and are of the view that trust is something that needs to be earned. But, once you trust each other, the commitment is deep. Both of you are faithful, strong, and ambitious, and these qualities work in strengthening the bond between you two.

5. Leo – Moderately Compatible

The compatibility between Leo and Capricorn is a little unpredictable. Since both of you like to be the center of attention, this ‘who takes the spotlight’ may be a bone of contention between you two. Also, you would keep wanting the Leo to be a little more practical, while the Leo would want you to loosen up a bit. However, both of you are ambitious and will admire each other, but a relationship between you two would need a considerable amount of adjustments.

6. Capricorn – Moderately Compatible

A Capricorn with a Capricorn might seem like a power relationship, since like-minded people are usually believed to understand each other better, but that’s not actually the case. Why? Because what is more ambitious than one Capricorn? Two Capricorns. Putting the two of you together usually means a duo of two workaholics who are so focused on their careers that they forget what other colors life may have. Also, two Capricorns may come to a point where they know each other so well that they become bored by the sameness and routine of your life. One of you has to shake things up time and again for the bond to work.

7. Cancer – Moderately Compatible

Another opposite pairing, Cancer and Capricorn have a gravitational pull towards each other. The two of you are not extremely compatible, but can compensate for each other’s weak points. Both of you have a craving for family and home but Cancer folks are really emotional. If you can take good care of Cancer it might work, since they look for compliments and kind words more than anything.

8. Libra – Slightly Compatible

When it comes to your compatibility with Libra, you can expect a lot of debate and disagreement whenever the two of you get involved. Their flirty and indecisive personality is a major factor for you not getting along with them quite well. Libras usually like to take things easy and they are always changing their minds and losing interest. On the other hand, you like taking things through to completion and are more driven and determined. These differences make it a little difficult for you two to get along well.

9. Gemini – Slightly Compatible

Gemini and Capricorn – these are two really opposite signs, who are very unlikely to get along with each other. Reason? There are many. You make every move after giving it a thought, whereas a Gemini is always off on the next great adventure with little thought or preparation. You are ambitious and disciplined, and Geminis are free-spirited and versatile. The approach you both take to situations is completely opposite from all points. If, by any chance, you have to bond with a Gemini, it’s a very challenging and complicated affair, to say the least.

10. Aquarius – Slightly Compatible

Like a Gemini, an Aquarius too isn’t a perfect match for you, Capricorn folks. Though you two aren’t totally incompatible, it will be a little tricky to make a relationship between you work. Both of you are hardworking and intelligent and give preference to head over heart. However, an Aquarius usually likes to think outside the box and do things their way, and you like doing things by the book and by following the rules.

11. Aries – Slightly Compatible

Aries – another sign that is not very compatible with you, my dear Capricorns. Aries are similar to you when it comes to their seriousness regarding achievement of success, but they tend to take risks unlike you. They may do things without giving them a proper thought, while for you, ensuring that there is a strong foundation and security is really important. The impatience of Aries and the cautiousness of Capricorn may come in between the formation of a healthy relationship, but if that’s worked on, things can take a nice turn.

12. Sagittarius – Slightly Compatible

Since Sagittarius and Capricorn are adjacent signs, it may be assumed they are compatible with each other, but that’s not the case. Though the two of you have a good sense of humor, and are straightforward and smart, this is where the commonalities end. You are consistent and patient, Sagittarius folks aren’t. You are calculated and practical, while a Sagittarius is impulsive and careless. It’s hard for the two of you to find common ground, and even if you find it, it’s quite shaky.

Alright Capricorn folks, hope this helps! Let us know in the comments below which zodiac sign you think you are most compatible with!