Recently, Cardi B made quite the splash in Paris. On Saturday, the rapper stepped out in a head-to-toe green, white and blue floral look designed by Richard Quinn. The artist was totally unrecognizable as every inch of her body – her hair, her face, her neck, her hands, and even her ankles were draped in florals. She was doing a photoshoot in front of the Eiffel Tower.

She posted a video in her dress as well.

However, some people, especially Muslim women were prompted to respond with slight infuriation, because of France’s controversial face-covering ban.

The 2010 law forbids “any article of clothing intended to conceal the face” in public spaces and was deemed a violation of human rights by a UN committee in 2018. People pointed out the hypocrisy of the face-covering law, calling out the double-standards at play in France

It soon became a huge deal.

The fact that this was considered “iconic” when a celebrity did it was called out for being a hypocritical sentiment.

The fact that women can be fined for their choice to cover themselves fully was pointed out as well.

Cardi did not explain why she was wearing that dress but some people believe that it was an intentional political statement.

While others joked about Cardi actually being Muslim.

Someone asked her if she prays and her response was “5 times a day”

The dress, alongside a few of her other looks and tweets, are being dug up too

It’s kind of funny, TBH

Her name also suggests it

What do you think of Cardi B wearing that dress? Let us know in the comments.

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