Casual sexism is not sexy
Call it courtesy, call it chivalry, call it whatever you want, but you can’t argue that a system designed to oppress us does occasionally work in some small ways to benefit us, especially in Pakistan.
Here are fifteen times casual sexism made a woman’s day and hurt men real bad:
1. Women and children FIRST is one form casual sexism that many, many men experience

I’m told there are few feminists in a house fire.
2. Women will always rush out of places sooner because SEPARATE QUEUES is a form of casual sexism cloaked in the garb of “respect”

3. And if not, women can always cut in line and no one will say anything because casual sexism works both ways

4. A man is almost always expected to get up to let women have his seat…

5. Or holds the door open for women and their swarm of friends to walk through.

6. A women never have to lift heavy things in her life because of course chivalry is another form of casual sexism that can work to oppress all genders

7. Or wait aimlessly by her car when she has a flat tire

But here’s the thing.
8. Women are not incapable of living life like men – waiting in queues, opening doors etc. for ourselves is casual sexism that also infringes on women’s freedom to assemble and be able to fully participate in public

9. In fact, women strive to live like men do because of the freedoms that a man enjoys in our society

10. Pretty certain many women would trade these advantages to be more respected, more successful and more independent.

11. Did I mention how wonderful it feels to shut down sexist discourse?

12. To see someone stutter cos they know you’ve got them and there’s no escape?

13. Or to prove yourself not just as capable, but better than your male counterparts?

14. Watching them bitch and moan as you succeed and they flounder?

15. Or when you dominate a discussion cos even the boys know you a boss bitch?

Cos don’t forget it, you’s a boss bitch.

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