Zara Shahjahan has made a name for herself. Her brand, ‘Zara Shahjahan’, has risen to the top of the list when one thinks of luxury design and pret in Pakistan. The brand is definitely ‘high end’ and exists in a price bracket that most people in the country cannot afford. They appeal to a niche audience and well, whatever you think, there is truly no harm in doing so.

Zara Shahjahan is a recognized name, which means she is now a recognized name on social media too. The designer has a twitter account that has recently been getting a lot of hate for a tweet she posted last week. 

She was starting a thread on Twitter called ‘#LetsBeHonest’ and her first tweet was..interesting.


As expected, Pakistani Twitter did not let this go.


The jokes were endless.


Uff ye mehngai! 


Matlab, how are we expected to have breakfast without Nutella *faints*


Well, they are ‘Great People To Fly With’.


How are we meant to survive this heat?


The jokes were plentiful, and all equally as good as the last one. 


People kept targetting ‘designer prices’ under this tweet.


The struggle is REAL, you guys.


*wipes tears with a PKR 10 ka note*


Let’s not forget that this was a ‘thread’, so let’s take a look at her other tweets.

The question is, are you ready?


This one is relatively mild. 


Let’s turn up the notch on the controversial!


Turns out she is a jiyala. 


And lastly, she responded to her tweets and the hate they got. 

She ‘apologized’.


Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion and entitled to share it, however, one should always be mindful of their privilege and their biases. This country already suffers from the gap between classes growing- the have and have nots are clearly defined. These times are particularly testing, especially for the have nots, and we all need to be a bit more empathetic about the issue- that’s how we can possibly move towards a solution.

Looking at things from an elite point of view will not solve things, in fact, it could be said that it is part of how we’ve gotten here.


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