You all troll Facebook. From the minute you wake up to the second you close your eyes, Facebook is always in front of you. #ThankyouMarkZuckerburg

So if you’re so invested in a community, how about actually making it useful for yourself? Here are some of the best groups on Facebook that you can all be a part of if you’re into any of these things. Let us know of more groups that you know are alive and active, who knows they might even make it on our short list if they’re good enough.

Foodies ‘R Us

If you’re a food lover and not already part of this group, what have you been doing? Foodies ‘R Us is quite possibly the most active Facebook group in Pakistan. In fact, it’s more than a group, Foodies ‘R Us is a community where there are food mobs and the conversations range from restaurant reviews to dining recommendations from passionate foodies. Oh and if you’re a culinary master who’s a 2 year old, you win prizes on this group too 😉foodiesrus

Pet Talk

For all of you pet lovers, this is where it’s at. Pet Talk is a highly active Facebook group where you can find information about the best vets in town, raise awareness around animal cruelty, find someone to adopt your pet, ask questions about your pet that Google can’t answer or simply show off how cute and adorable your pet is.

Fun fact: Mr. Jinnah was very fond of his pets.

The Pakistan Film Forum

This group is where all the film buffs of Pakistan unite with the intention to share in their mutual love of all things movies, especially those odd discussions about Leo DiCaprio finally getting his long-awaited Oscar this year, hopefully.

Pakistan Startups

If you’re part of the startup ecosystem in Pakistan, you’re already part of this group. And if you’re not…really? The group is a very active online community for all things startup related. Need some advice about your startup? Need to find people working in your specific domain? Looking to recruit people for your startup? Want to have a conversation about something that came in the news? Pakistan Startups is your go to spot.

Pakistani Professional Photographers

Pakistani Professional Photographers is the destination for all photographers in Pakistan. The quality of the photographs people post in the group is phenomenal and total eye candy. More so, if you’re into photography and looking to get more technical, the members post their tips and tricks for the benefit of others. You don’t need to be a professional photographer to be a part of the group, but you sure do need to appreciate it to appreciate this group.

Pakistan Art Forum

For the most part, closed groups are the most active ones. Pakistan Art Forum, however, is an open group but that doesn’t take away from how active its members are. Members often post stunning pieces of original art that any art enthusiast would appreciate. Original art is something that we should all support because of how important it is for the preservation and advancement of our culture.

Pakistani Freelancers

Pakistan ranks among the highest freelance earning community, so it makes sense as to why this group is so active. For the most part, the group serves an active forum where you can post jobs, getting information regarding freelancing or feedback regarding your work. You get the idea.

Big Fat Losers

If you’re tired of all the food groups on here, this one will help you stay in shape and tighten your belts. This is a great community of people who motivate each other, share positive messages, their weight loss struggles and success stories and are a great therapeutic bunch for anyone who’s struggling with body image issues.via: Adnan Farooq/Big Fat

SWOT’s Guide for Karachi’s Restaurants, Cafes, Dhabas, Khokas and Take-outsSource:

SWOTs Guides are a bunch of groups with not just food related themes but travel, single living and education. Also, there are groups for some of the other big cities of Pakistan but this one in particular is HUGE. With a membership of more than 47000 people, and growing, this highly active community is a foodie’s answer to everything in your city, without the dilution of people talking about random eateries in Canada or Mozambique.

Pakistan Travel Forum

What do Pakistanis love second only to eating and gossiping? It’s taking selfies, of course! And travel is the best way to allow yourself the scenery to get your selfie game on. Also, there’s this thing about travelling broadening your horizons and introducing you to experiences that you never would’ve otherwise had in your sheltered life, but we all know it’s for the selfies. Well, Pakistan Travel Forum will answer all your travel related queries.

What are some of the Facebook groups that you like to frequent?

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