Al-Huda’s infamous Farhat Hashmi justified marital rape, and people are very triggered.

Farhat Hashmi and the organization she’s associated with, Al-Huda have found themselves under scrutiny quite a few times in the past for views that some on the liberal spectrum consider regressive. Now another video is making rounds on the internet where Farhat Hashmi is talking about how ‘marital rape’ does not exist since a husband cannot rape his wife.


Farhat Hashmi of Al-Huda is seen discussing the concept of marital rape in her controversial new video that has surfaced on the internet

According to Farhat Hashmi, a woman cannot say no to her husband, no matter how much she herself does not want to have sex.


Of course, some people were incredibly upset because thy consider her views regressive 

People were upset by the thought that Farhat Hashmi would insinuate that a woman’s consent shouldn’t matter within marriage since her first and foremost duty is obeying her husband. And that because women of today have begun to harbor beliefs that they can ‘refuse’ sex to their husband, a lot of badmazgi was being created in households which lead to more problems.

And this could be solved if women never said no to their husband so that ‘marital rape’ could never occur. And this line of thought upset a lot of people.


But there were those who were agreed with her


As with most opinions by religious ‘scholars’, there is always a polarization in terms of views

And since she has a lot of followers, a lot of people expressed their concerns about how many women might unknowingly follow her advice and how sad that was.

What do you think about this statement by Farhat Hashmi? Let us know in the comments below.


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Cover Image Source: @SAMRIreports via