The company sends you a test tube, in which you send a sample of your saliva. And in a few weeks, they email you the results, and you get to discover who your ancestors were in terms of ethnicity and geography. It’s actually pretty cool.

And well, this Pakistani living in the United Kingdom decided to spend a 100 pounds on finding more about his ancestry.

Because come on, we all want to solve that mystery. And his results were SHOCKING… but not in the way you’d expect.

Turns out he’s a 100% Pakistani.


Source: @mostexpensivest Via Giphy

Imagine the consistency his ancestors married and procreated with. No variation. That’s some true Pakistani pride.

Seeing this, other people started sharing their results as well.

But most Desis who tweeted their results talked about their disappointment over the results.

Sorry to all of those Desis who thought that they could have been a little exotic, turns out Pakistanis love Pakistanis more than any other race in the world, who knew?

Does this make you curious about finding out what exactly your ancestry is?

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