Two guys in Pakistan were fighting over an omelette from Game of Thrones and one of them even looked up the other’s address to go and fight at their home. Yup.

So here’s what happened (in 140 characters or less):

It all started with an innocent (albeit a little cuckoo) omelette recipe on a Pakistan-specific foodie community on Facebook. One man took Game of Thrones obsession to another level, claiming he has insider information as to what Khal Drogo has for breakfast and he’s willing to share it with us lucky peasants.

Recipe directly passed from Kahl Drogo to Kahleesi to me…..

If you want to make the Khal Drogo Omelette, here’s the recipe in 5 simple steps

1. You’ll be needing all this ammo:

1(a). First thing’s first, feed the fluffballs:

2. Chop everything up, nice and easy.

3. Dash ’em in the frying pan, flip and remove to add a generous helping of cheese:

4. If you think you’re done, think again. There’s a layer of Pringles and another raw egg to be had:

5. Oven bake this sunny side up and the breakfast of champions is served.

Except, this recipe didn’t exactly strike everybody’s fancy:

This went on for quite a while until a good e-Samaritan popped in to intervene:

And shit hit the fan:

So much so that one of them decided to DRIVE TO THE OTHER PERSON’S HOUSE


There are many glaring questions. Did he reach his place fine or is he stuck in the Lahori traffic? What did one foodie serve the other for tea? WE NEED TO BE UPDATED ON THE CURRENT SITUATION.

One lesson learnt, however:

And another person who takes a cheese omelette personally:

Source: Deviant Art

Stay safe folks. Eat and be merry, don’t drive off to each other’s homes to fight. Khao aur khanay do.

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