Since promotions for Parwaaz Hai Junoon are in full swing, the star cast has been a part of different campaigns for their upcoming film scheduled to be released on Eid-ul-Azha. Pertaining to the scheduled promotional events, Hania Aamir spoke out recently about allegedly being harassed by someone from the crowd.

Hania took to Twitter to talked about being harassed ‘by men disguised as fans’.

In her post, she first talked about how being a public figure doesn’t give anyone the right to treat them like an object and they don’t deserve for their love to be reciprocated in the form of discomfort and psychological trauma.

Then she said that ‘acts like these force the actors to reconsider and doubt their decision to meet fans in public places’.

Hania further mentioned how nothing justifies the objectification and harassment of women who are brave enough to step out of the comfort of their homes to build a career for themselves. And that in spite of the progression in the educational sector, women are still primarily considered to be an object of desire.

In the end, she notified everyone that if there’s a certain video of her ‘swearing out of her mind’ goes viral, she’d like the viewers to know that the sole purpose of that was to ‘put a disgusting man in his place’.

And that she won’t go easy on anyone who tries to make a move on her.

As she took to Twitter to express her concern and anger regarding the incident, her fans started responding to her as well.

Some were concerned about the security she was provided with.

Others mentioned how this was one of the reasons why they, being a fan, avoid attending such gatherings.

Some offered their love and support for the actor.

Some even asked her to share her experience so that they can support her fully.

And this person just said she has to tolerate this kind of behavior because she’s a public figure.

Matlab ke, kya?

While we haven’t come across any video of Hania abusing anyone yet, Hania’s claims aren’t too hard to believe. Harassment in public spaces has always been a huge issue. Kudos to the actor for speaking up not just for herself but for every girl who is too scared to step out of her comfort zone when she wants to pursue her desired career.

What do you think about what Hania said? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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