Independence Day is tomorrow and social media is filled with azaadi deals in Lahore, which we feel you need to know about. On this special occasion, one of our favorite pass times is going out to eat. Which is where our Hungerist channel comes in. Use this list to find restaurants and cafes offering a huge variety of azaadi deals in Lahore. You can help us out by downloading the Hungerist app on iOS & Android :p

This is a developing list, so if you want a restaurant added please email the deal/discount image to latest by tonight. 

Food Truck Company

Giardino Pizzeria

The Urban Cafe Yoglicious


Cafe Nox


Gusto Cafe and Restaurant

Food Bazaar


Burger Maestru


24 Wall Street Pizza

The Hashery

Sweet Tooth

Wok This Way

Wok Express

Cafe Redolence



Supper House

The Balcony

Opium Chinese & Thai

Chai Studio


All restaurants at Hospitality Inn

Options – An Exotic Restaurant

Turkish Restaurant

Gino’s Bedian Road

Taipei Restaurant

Mozzarella 27

For more info on how to find restaurants of every cuisine, area download the Hungerist app today! Available on iOS and Android.

Cover image via Jalal Sons/Pakistan Today