Another one of the much anticipated celestial events is on its way. This one has a name that’s quite intriguing, to be honest. It’s the Super Blood Wolf Moon, which is basically a total lunar eclipse.

So, this is all set to take place on the night of 21st January at around 10:16 P.M. in Pakistan, and will be taking place alongside the full moon.

The celestial event will be witnessed a year after the 2018 Super Blue Moon, and will be featuring a red tinge caused by the moon passing through the Earth’s shadow and is expected to last for about over an hour. Pretty darn exciting, nahi?

It’s also very important to note that this total lunar eclipse will be the last one until 2022.

Though lunar eclipses occur almost three times a year on average, after this one, there will be a gap of three years. So buckle up, this is something you shouldn’t miss.


But why that name, though?

So it’s a “Super Moon”, which occurs when the moon is closer to the Earth as it rotates around. Which means the moon appears bigger and brighter. This is a lunar eclipse that is referred to as a ‘blood moon’. This happens when the Earth’s shadow is cast upon the moon. It happens when the moon passes into what’s called the penumbra and then the umbra. When this happens, the moon takes on a red hue, which is why it’s referred to as a “blood” moon.

Then the term ‘Wolf’ is used because, according to the Old Farmers Almanac, Native Americans called the January full moon the wolf because it appeared when wolves would howl in hunger outside of villages.

There you have it, the ‘Super Blood Wolf Moon’. Doesn’t quite mean the moon is going to look any different than it does but the name kinda has a nice buzz to it.


Now that we’ve gone over the name. Lets see how it affects the zodiac signs. So there five signs that will be affected the most by this lunar spectacle. Let’s find out if your sign is one of them.

Aries. (March 21 – April 19)


So this lunar eclipse, that will be in Leo, might charge your day with unmatched emotion. Which is okay, but the problem you’re expected to face is that the emotional charge might be so high, that you might struggle to keep a level mind. You might also experience some worry related to your love life, which might push you to the point of wanting drastic change. But hold tight, Aries. You have to come out strong through this one.


Gemini. (May 21 – June 20)



Gemini, you must stay on your toes because this lunar eclipse will not make things easier for you, and can elevate your stress and anxiety levels to dangerous heights. Try breathing and relaxation exercises can to help mitigate all the effects of the lunar eclipse. For example, indecisiveness regarding your personal life and projects. Learning how to control your tension will be vital in your energies’ ability to flow with that of the universe.


Cancer. (June 21 – July 22)


Cancer, your world will go a bit crazy because of this lunar eclipse, especially in financial terms. You will be entirely consumed by the desire to get more money, and your usual sweet demeanour will also change. You will be marked by feelings of jealousy and possessiveness, which won’t sit very well with your significant other. During this time, it’s best to make the most of the planets’ positioning to become more aware of your reality and the changes you need to make in your life.


Capricorn. (December 22 – January 29)


This total lunar eclipse in Leo will not sit well with you, dear Capricorn. You’re already a pessimistic person, and now with this astral event, your feelings of negativity and resentment will come bubbling up without you being able to control them much.

Your tendency to control and dominate will also be heightened which might cause some tension between you and your loved ones. Try counting up to ten and reflect on your actions and words before you let anger dominate you. Remember that confidence is critical in any good relationship.


Aquarius. (January 20 – February 18)


Aquarians will go through a phase of exciting shifts due to the impending lunar eclipse. Rest assured, because those changes have little to do with your love life (if you have a partner) and more with that inner voice that you so often ignore. The super blood wolf moon will influence you to listen to your gut instinct more. If you learn how to use your powers correctly, you’ll be able to avoid all conflict that threatens to disturb your typically calm self.


Those were the zodiac signs that would be the most affected by the upcoming cosmic activity. Here’s how rest of the signs will be affected. If you didn’t see your sign up there, you’ll surely find it here.


Taurus. (April 20 – May 20)


In your case, Taurus, the total lunar eclipse in Leo will shake up your inner world and inspire you to find a new and improved emotional growth that will make you feel especially close to the love of your life. Be careful, however, with home renovations or moving house, as you might come across unexpected obstacles that could sever all your good intentions.


Leo. (July 23 – August 22)


The total lunar eclipse will turn the fierce lion into a tender kitty and will heighten your sensitivity to the extent that you don’t recognize yourself. This is why we recommend that you don’t make any important decisions, especially regarding your love life, as you might end up regretting it. If at any time you find yourself wanting to take your relationship to the next level, or perhaps you want to end your romance and start over, perhaps it would be wise to take a step back and analyze things from a rational perspective.


Virgo. (August 23 – September 22)


Virgo, this eclipse in Leo will help you break free from your old self and your old habits and implement those changes that you’ve been contemplating for a while. The bigger the changes, the better. The planets’ positioning is shining a bright light on the people around you and their intentions, some of their judgment toward you might be uncovered in the process. It’s in your power not to let it affect your mood; you’ll need to channel your inner peace and use your sense of humor, but you will do it, more power to you.


Libra. (September 23 – October 22)


Libra’s noble heart will play an essential role in this lunar eclipse, seeing how your empathy and generosity are being heightened exponentially. You will notice a stronger connection to those people around you who may not be going through the best moment of their lives, and you could be instrumental in offering them a solution to the nightmare they’re living. Do the best you can to lend a helping hand, you may not see it now, but these instances will help get you closer to your own goals.


Scorpio. (October 23 – November 21)


Scorpios will learn a valuable lesson due to the total lunar eclipse, and that lesson is about understanding that you can’t control everything around you. Realize that this behavior is only holding you back from your spiritual growth, and you cannot afford the setback. The planets forecast a great decision that you will have to take shortly which can allow your feelings to roam free. Don’t you feel fortunate, Scorpio?


Sagittarius. (November 22 – December 21)


How long has it been since you’ve wanted a change? You will be glad to know that the super blood wolf moon eclipse will help you achieve just that. Make the most of the days before the 20th and think about what you would like to change about your life so that when the magic event happens, you will be ready to receive its influence. This may look good on paper, but you will need to be committed and follow through to make your dream reality.The road won’t be easy, and you’ll need a lot of determination to get it done. Chin up, Sagittarius, you can do it!


Pisces. (February 19 – March 20)


Luckily, Pisces’ sensitivity will not be influenced too much by the total lunar eclipse. You will, however, feel its grasp on other areas of your life such as work strategies and bad habits. You will get an insight into how to manage your time more effectively, perhaps even change your priorities. Make the most of this time and work on your dark side, improve those things about yourself that are not doing you any favors, like your continuous and excessive self-criticism or maybe that desire to be perfect.


There you have it. Do let us know how accurate you found your horoscope in the comments. Enjoy the sighting of this celestial event. Peace!

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