Your weekly horoscope is here


Ayy! We’re here once again to tell you what the week of 11th February to 17th February 2019 has in store for you, as per your weekly horoscope. So, let’s get down to business.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

You know, if you start stressing over every single thing around you, a time will come when you will just want to bang your head into the table – and honestly, koi yeh nahi chahta! On Monday and Tuesday, you need to take it nice and slow and maybe practice some breathing exercises while you’re at it. But don’t take things so slow that you start over thinking over every little detail because we all need to look at the larger picture sometimes. We know your intentions are good and you care about all the people involved – this will be pretty obvious in the middle of the week.

On Friday, you should probably come out of your personal bubble and help someone else get into a good mood. The weekend calls for a party, so enjoy and rest all you can!



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

Don’t you ever feel that the world looks like a better place when your love life is on cloud nine as well? The sky seems bluer than usual and the music just sounds so much better – even food tastes better! To top it off, if you have some extra cash to blow, bhei apki game toh izzz awwnn!

Monday and Tuesday are like this – smooth and full of love. Wednesday through to Friday will return you to that same old shitty grind, but you’ll still feel nostalgic and ready to take on anything because love is on your side. Towards the end of the week you might feel a hint of laziness but you need to come out of that mode and hustle, hustle baby.

This weekend might present scenarios which include love, lust and even jealousy.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

As much as you try, it will be hard to effectively communicate on Monday and Tuesday – especially with your family. Maybe writing a text message or email might be a better idea than discussing things over the phone, or in person. Wednesday will bring forth some opportunities for love and romance with a certain someone in your life, and you know what the best part is? You feel more productive and successful when it comes to sharing your feelings. Heck, you might even write a poem for the apple of your eye.

Thursday and Friday will have you super busy but super happy at the same time because you have that one special person to think about all the time. Aww, rulain gay kya? Saturday and Sunday are your days and you will only pamper yourself – yeh bhe important hai yaar.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

Hey crab, if you focus your eyes real hard at the starting of the week, chances are that you will be able to get down to work pretty early on. Basically, you will get an idea of all the important stuff that you need to know before starting a project. You might even discover something that was hidden from your sight previously. Issues pertaining to your domestic life will dominate your life on Wednesday till Friday and wallahi, your mental peace might just be compromised a little during this time. But hey, you can always avoid confrontations and spend time with friends or put in extra hours at work right?

The weekend also looks intense as a certain financial transaction has your panties in a bunch. Before you come to an agreement, make sure you’ve read all the clauses carefully.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

The start of the week finds you trying to get your finances straight! Word of advice, try to cut those unnecessary expenses to a bare minimum and you might just survive the week gracefully. Wednesday is all about appreciating the wonderful friends you have in your life. The kind of people who will make you think what you did to deserve such goodness in your life.

Thursday and Friday will also see you hanging out with your buddies again. A romantic date, sharing of deep emotions and just plain old joy are all on the cards. The weekend will make you realize some pretty serious things about your life and you will spend time reflecting over these realizations in more detail.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

Sometimes the most mundane tasks help you put the biggest of challenges into perspective. On Monday, this is exactly what you should strive for. Take a mental break and go tidy up your car, or your room, your house or even your work space. This time will help you put things in order and plan your week ahead strategically.

Tuesday is a good time for some preparation but watch the wallet very carefully on Wednesday and Thursday. At this point in time, any expenditure that you incur should be a necessity. On Friday you might find yourself in a fix and will spend the weekend looking for facts and explanations which will help you make a decision faster.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

This week you have yet another magical quality that is going to set you apart from others. That’s right! This week you will be unable to hold a grudge with anyone and will glide through the week with a smile on your face. Besides, zindagi mai aur itnay maslay hain than keeping a sour patch in your heart haina? Moreover, on Tuesday you’re also a wonderful listener.

Wednesday through Friday, you will use these epic listening skills to shimmy your way through a romantic setting, with a sprinkle of flirting here and there. The second half of your week is full of beauty, and social commitments but all this is going to come to a halt over the weekend. Money matters worry you, as do your career activities. You need to kick everything in the butt, put on a nice eye mask and just relax for some time.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

The start of the week is going to be nothing less than a detective movie. You will receive a piece of information that will help put things in order and make sense to you right away. Now is the time to plan your next move ahead. You know exactly where you will be going and where you want to go. Pick up that phone and get your friends in on your plans so someone has your back as well.

On Tuesday, a friend might need you to cover for them, and honestly, you shouldn’t even think twice. You never know when the tables might turn around. The second half of the week will leave you in a bit of a pickle as you will find it hard to make decisions which apparently seem easy to make. Word of advice: Don’t sell yourself short and live up to the expectations people have from you.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

People might drive you absolutely crazy on Monday and Tuesday – but the thing is that you’re letting them. Save the lectures that you have for situations that will actually matter. Don’t get involved in any drama and just mind your own mind and business.

By Wednesday, you will be hailed as the favorite person by everyone around you. Thursday and Friday will bring more respect and compliments your way.  Wah jee Wah! Apkay shushkay. Nevertheless, there is still something that is bothering you. You must spend the weekend pondering and figuring out what it is that is bugging you.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

A phone call from a land far away will bring you news that is going to be relevant to you at the beginning of the week, more than you even expected it to be. If the person on the other friend happens to be a dear friend, it will leave you peaceful and grounded than ever. On Wednesday, you must leave the ground and take up new challenges. But you must know that each new mission takes time.

Thursday and Friday will be all about work and work only – with no sign of pay off. But don’t lose heart – the key is to keep on practicing your game. The weekend will seem less important than the social matters that are on your plate at the moment. Keep your friends closer to you in order to keep a sane mind throughout the stress.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

Rather than delaying matters, it is better for you to tackle them at the start of the week. Yeah, it will help for sure. Even though everyone might not be on the same page as you are, you must realize that somewhere, the fault might be in you as well. Just spell it out yourself and don’t fear rejection. On Wednesday, there is a chance that someone you barely know will guide you to an amazing revelation, and you’ll love it!

Thursday and Friday will see you going into your hibernation mode and you might feel and act aloof, unintentionally. You must resist doing this and making connections is important at the moment. Over the weekend, career aspirations will be on top priority but your social life also demands time. Kya kiya jai phir? You have to decide.



Source: Karley Sharp/Pinterest

Your mind is a complex place where analytical thinking is quite the norm. But when a friend seeks solace, this mind of yours can be a bit too much for others to handle. Sometimes, it is best to just listen and not give your two cents on what the other person is saying. If someone seeks advice, you need to gauge the situation and give appropriate advice.

Truth is good, but sometimes it is not necessary. The second half of the week will have you collect favors and even money from other people. The problem arises in a certain friendship and you need to figure out what you need to do to make sure that things don’t turn from bad to worse. Don’t

So, what does your kismet ka haal say about your week? Let us know in the comments below.


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