Pepsi Black has been highlighting the importance of living boldly, which includes chasing your passion with all your heart and might. And with that in mind, Pepsi Black is going to help a bold Pakistani in taking their music career to the next level.

Teaming up once again with Irfan Junejo, this time Pepsi Black is calling all Pakistani rappers to the forefront.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan

And to call out all bold Pakistani rappers, Pepsi made an epic rap battle video starring iconic rappers Talhah Yunus and Talha Anjum of Youngstunners.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan

In the video, both Talha Anjum and Talhah Yunus battle it out using only rap. As they spit some fire bars, the crowd is seen dancing in the background and cheering them on. Once the rap duo is done battling it out, they ask the audience to show the world what they’ve got.

They do this by having the rappers and Irfan Junejo ask aspiring Pakistani rappers to tell them their own story, in their own words, through the art of rap.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan

You can watch the video here:

They essentially open the floor to all those Pakistanis who believe that they have what it takes to live boldly and become the next big thing in the Pakistani music scene. 

Source: Pepsi Pakistan

Pepsi Black wants to give Pakistani rappers the chance to become the next big sensation in the country and bring rapping to the forefront. And to make sure you’re Pakistan’s next legendary rapper, you just need to do the following:

  • Post a video of yourself rapping. (The video should be of a minimum of 30 seconds, and can be as long as you want).
  • Post the video on your Facebook timeline with Pepsi Pakistan tagged in the caption.
  • Don’t forget to make sure the privacy settings are set to public so that the company and the audience can watch the video too!

And with just doing that, in no time at all, you will become a rapper who is no longer underground but a household name. Do you think you could become Pakistan’s next rap superstar? Then upload your rap video to Facebook now and start living boldly from today!

This post has been sponsored by Pepsi Pakistan.