Your first day at a new job is pretty much like your first day at a new school. Awkward and uncomfortable. You continue to have mixed feelings the entire first day, you love it and you hate it the next second and then you love it and then hate it again.
Here’s what everyone goes through on the first day at a new job. Also it’s totally cool to be awkward. Don’t let that bring you down.
It starts off with you showing up early for work, dressed for success
Only to realize that other caffeine deprived bodies start strolling in an hour or a half later
It’s your first day so you get a lot of unsolicited attention
Your fellow inhabitants smile and greet you with apparent warmth
While secretly judging the fuck out of you
But that’s okay because you are doing the same
You forget their names the moment they introduce themselves
You feign excitement and smile a lot to pull off some semblance of normality