In recent conflict that Kashmir is embroiled in, many lives have been lost. Many homes have been ruined and many neighborhoods turned into graveyards. The violence and conflict also leave severe battle scars on the minds of those who survive. According to an appallingly alarming report, recently conducted by the Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF), approximately 1.8 million adult Kashmiris suffer from mental depression and post stress trauma.
Jibran Nasir, a lawyer and social activist based in Karachi, shared an album on his Facebook page Never Forget Pakistan, containing some remarkably powerful images.
The album titled What if you knew the Victim? #IndiaCantSee #LetKashmirDecide is a collection of the photo-shopped images (Artwork by: Murtaza Abbas and Batool Aqeel) of some of the most recognized faces including Amitabh Bachan, Aishwariya Rai, Saif Ali Khan, Narendara Modi, Hirithik Roshan, Virat Kohli, Alia Bhat, Shah Rukh Khan, Soniya Gandhi, Kajol and the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
The idea behind the campaign is to show people how conveniently we tend to ignore the misery of the Kashmiris but would it make the tragedy more important if we knew the people?
Just think about it. What if our favorite actor got brutally injured or murdered in cold blood? Would we still sit silently or just let the tragedy pass? The campaign, in essence, is a condemnation of the inaction of the Indian government as well as the pick and choose censor policy of Facebook that conveniently filters such posts and later on, terms it as a mere “mistake”.
To put it in Jibran Nasir’s words: “You know these faces. Does that make the tragedies more important?
The stories in the letters are real. The names signed under the letter are real. Just the victim you see in the picture is not real. But do you care what is the profile of the victim for you to sympathize and empathize with them? For you to speak for them? Why do we need to glamorize a tragedy in order for people to pay attention. Have we all become that numb.”
All the pictures are accompanied and captioned with the links of some detailed newspaper articles regarding the actual stories of the victims.
The goosebumps-inducing descriptions are immensely heart-wrenching and are enough to wake us up from our deep slumber.
“This campaign is not about jingoism. It is about trying to create empathy.”
Jibran says, “We live in a sad world where we have to present genuine tragedies in a creative way just to make people pause and think for a moment. As advocates for human rights we believe that Kashmir, independent of any force and influence from India and Pakistan should have the right to determine its own identity and future.
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