Hosted by the renowned comedian, Tabish Hashmi, Kurkure Jhatpat Jugaar Season 2 is back with a bang this Ramadan. If you thought you’ve had enough, brace yourself for some more because your favorite celebrities are ready to compete in a dhamakaydaar cooking challenge to create some of the most jhatpat and scrumptious recipes.

Nation’s favorite, Kurkure, is truly our go-to when we need a crunchy, flavorful 100% corn-based snack with our shaam ki chaye or just to satisfy our late-night cravings. However, the Kurkure legacy lives on as it has now become an iftar-favorite this Ramadan.

Cherished as a crunchy coating for fried foods, Kurkure Toofani Mirch is truly the game-changer, adding to foods just the right amount of spice and flavor.

Sprinkled on chaat to add spice and appeal, Kurkure Red Chilli Jhatka is truly THE BIG BANG!

Sponsored by Kurkure, the second episode of Kurkure Jhatpat Jugaar 2 is already out, and we thoroughly enjoyed watching our favorite celebrity duo, Shahveer Jafry and Zaid Ali, showing us their Jhatpat Jugaar creations with Kurkure’s flavorful punch and Karakaydaar crunch.

With no punches pulled, there’s nothing more exciting than watching your favorite celebrities come together in a cooking face-off. Thanks to Kurkure for taking this unprecedented initiative and enabling the fans to experience cooking, gupshup, and comedy never seen before!

Kurkure is your best friend this Ramadan for all those after-iftar cravings for no other brand of snacks is as crunchy or flavorful! If you want to recreate these delicious recipes then check them out here:

So, what are you waiting for? Turn on your food jugaar game with Kurkure Jhatpat Jugaar 2.0 airing every Saturday on Kurkure’s Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!



This post is sponsored by Kurkure!