Wesay tou Coke over Pepsi, any day every day. Sorry if you disagree, I don’t even care if you do. But when push comes to yummy fizzy drinks with my samosa, the choice is and always will be my baby diet coke. I can’t pizza without it. I can’t biryani without it. And sometimes, I can’t human without it either.
Are you hopelessly in love and somewhat addicted to diet coke? This one’s ONLY for you:
1. Your hearts skips a beat whenever you hear the smooth pop of the can
2. All the love ballads suddenly start to make sense: “Kya karoon haye. Kuch Kuch hota hay”
3. The fizz that gets stuck in your throat for just a millisecond

4. The satisfying burp

Is this the real life, or is this fantasy?
5. You get extremely disappointed at restaurants and stores that don’t have the diet one available

6. The very obvious mix-up between Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi is legit your horror story each and every one of your eat-out expedition

7. You fall in love with anyone who remembers your preference when ordering for you

8. You can’t digest any food without its perfect companion.

9. You don’t understand how people can drink the regular one, it makes you cringe

10. People joking about you pairing the Diet Coke with a big fat burger and you’re like, that’s not even why I OD on it so much.

“It just tastes better, you guys.”
11. That moment of ABSOLUTE HORROR when you pop it open and out comes a DISASTER

12. Nothing can hurt you more when they forget you specified “DIET” when ordering your coke for home delivery

13. But sometimes, your inner-self knows at least you’re not having ALL THOSE calories.
Love you, diet coke.
14. You feel a little hurt everytime someone says it tastes flat
Your regular coke tastes like SYRUP OKAY
15. Nothing can brighten up your day like finding a forgotten diet coke somewhere in your house

16. When shaadis don’t have diet coke your heart breaks a little

17. You get frustrated at people who compare it with regular coke say “Same hi cheez hai yaar”
18. When people tell you how diet coke is even more harmful then the regular one you’re like “I prefer to die a zero calorie death”

19. You can concentrate better when you’re drinking diet coke

20. You just love how it makes you feel

Tag a friend who can’t live without diet coke.