Morey Saiyan, from Sheheryar Munawar and Maya Ali’s upcoming movie, Parey Hut Love just dropped and, okay – first of all, it has two of my absolute favorites, so there’s that. Mahira and Sheheryar look like a dream in Morey Saiyan and I have a lot of feelings about the song, which I will (probably unsuccessfully) try to summarize in this article.

Firstly – let me just point out that the song is hella regal. 

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Like…what was the budget on this alone? Someone’s definitely upped the ante when it came to the production cost. (You can’t tell yet because we’re a paragraph in, but I can, because I’ve watched the song on repeat).

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Also, side note – Sheheryar looks like a frikkin’ king, and he’s acting like one too. 

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Greetings, my liege. 

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Okay. Lol, sorry.

Anyhoo, let’s move on. Basically, we then see Mahira in a setup that’s pretty reminiscent of Maar Dala from Devdas – except, instead of the hara rang, there’s laal everywhere, and instead of Madhuri, we have Mahira.

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Mahira brings her A-game, of course.

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Hello, my queen.

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Mahira’s got some pretty sick moves, and we see her pulling them off with immense grace and poise.

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Mastani, who? 

Source: The Vision Factory Films

Again, everything is extremely grand.

Source: The Vision Factory Films

From the styling and sound, to the choreography, to its execution, it’s all pretty Bollywood and elaborate – not that I’m complaining. I’m just honestly bowled over by the fact that this probably took a crazy amount of effort and well, it’s paid off. Hats off to the cast and crew.

Here’s the video:


Let me know what you think!


23 Stunning Behind-The-Scenes Pictures From ‘Parey Hut Love’ That’ll Make You Wish You’d Been There


Maya Ali And Sheheryar Munawar Are Putting Up Love Locks Everywhere They Go And It’s Super Romantic

Cover image via The Vision Factory Films