If you’ve been on social media lately you may have seen or heard about Reham Khan’s newest attack on Imran Khan. And his dogs.

WELL, we here at MangoBaaz are all about seeing both sides of the story and reading in-between the lines.

So we thought it would only be our responsibility to cover every side of the story, including that of Motu’s – Imran Khan’s dog.

Motu, is one of the dogs in the home of Imran Khan and is rumored to be one of the causes of the alleged ‘distress’ occurring in the Khan household between Imran and his new wife, Bushra Maneka.

We sat down with the pupper to listen to what he had to say about everything.

Q. Hello Motu, thank you for having us. How are you?

Ruff ruff ruff. Ruff!

Q. Sorry, not quite sure what you’re saying.

*Motu laid on his back, put his paws up and barked.*

-After realizing dogs and humans do not speak the same language, we called in a translator to keep the interview on track:

Q. Hello Motu! How are you?

I am fine! Thank you! I love you!

Q. We love you too. Would you like anything? Snacks? Some water?

Just some love and affection, please. Also please throw that ball. It’s driving me crazy.

Q. That’s my microphone.

Throw it.

Q. I can’t do that.

Okay. Love you.

Q.1 We love you too. So Motu, how do you feel about the current situation?

It’s been ruff (rough), I wish we all could get along. I also don’t really know what’s going on here. At all. Because I am a dog.

Q. 2  Just gonna dive in here, is what Reham Khan said in her article true?

My pawyer (pup lawyer) said I couldn’t really comment on that, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to move on to the next question.

Q. 3 Of course, we understand, we can move on.

*Licked my hand*

Q. 4 Now, what do you have to say about your owner, Imran Khan?

Owner? He’s my best friend! We do everything together. Except when he has those huge parties (jalsas) and stands on a box and speaks into a stick with a ball at the top (microphone) But that’s okay, I always wait around for him.

Q. 5 And what about Reham Khan? Did you like her?

I love everyone! I’m a dog! It’s in our genetic makeup.

Q. 6 And your new owner? Bushra Maneka? Does she treat you well?

Sorry, pawyer said to keep my paws off this one too. But like I said, as a doggo, I am in love with everyone.

Q. 7  Speaking of doggos, do you have other doggo friends?

Oh yeah! Our owner loves dogs, he loves having all of us around everywhere. I have so many friends, but he is, of course, my absolute favorite best friend.

Q. 8 What is your favorite thing to do?

I love to be with my owner! I also really love to sleep, chew toys and lay in the grass. I also love to watch this box in the living room from time to time. It has pictures of my owner, and his friends on it all the time! (Motu was referring to the TV.)

Q. 9 Do you see yourself entering politics one day?

What’s that?

Q. 10 How do you feel about cats?

*Sighing deeply,* It’s been a long road, for all of us puppers. There have been treaties, olive branches, chew toys – many efforts towards peace between cats and doggos, but so far, all have been futile. But, that’s okay! We don’t lose hope! Just as my master says, there will be a tsunami! And in our case, it’ll be of fluffy love.

Q. 11 Thank you for giving us the chance to interview you, Motu, it’s been a pleasure. Any last words to leave your fans with?

Love you.

Q. 12 And lastly, who is a good boy?


That’s what we thought Motu, that’s what we thought.

*This interview was  written as a fictional piece of writing as dogs can, in fact, not speak. That we know of.*

What do you think about the current situation with Reham Khan? Do you think it’s justified? Do you think what she wrote is true? Do you love dogs? Same. Let us know what you think in the comments below! Love you.

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