We all dreamed of the freedom we would have as adults when we were kids, didn’t we? If only we knew how fast the responsibilities, setbacks, and let-downs come at us once we leave childhood behind. But of course, the grass is always greener on the other side.

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A Twitter user recently asked: “What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for?” It was interesting to see fellow Twitter users share a ton of relatable problems that come with being an adult.

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Here are some of the best responses:

“As an adult, nobody prepared me for the emotional toll of seeing loved ones age and pass away. It’s a harsh reality that we all must face, but one that can be incredibly difficult to navigate,” shared a user. So true.

Image: Twitter

“One day your metabolism and energy are just gone and they are replaced with back pain and headaches whenever it’s about to rain,” said another and we couldn’t agree more.

Image: Twitter

“The need to tear down the walls you built over the years if you ever want to find your true self and live a life that doesn’t require walling off parts of you for the sake of conforming and fear.”

Image: Twitter

One said, “taxes.”

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“Realising most people are not adults, just grown-up children.”

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A guy responded that our schools failed to teach us a couple of things that would have been helpful in adulthood.

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“People using you and false friends who disappear. A lot of them don’t realize that as you get older, people go different ways.”

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“The fact that you will always have things to worry about. For example: when you have children, their problems are small and are (usually) easily solved. The older the children get, the bigger their problems become, and are not as easily solved. It never ends.”

Image: Twitter


Cover image via @DeMilked