Sajeer Shaikh from MangoBaaz sat down with the model, singer, and host Mathira for an Instagram live session. What transpired was an extremely candid conversation including enlightening words, shocking revelation, and some cheeky responses. Mathira is a multitalented woman who has carved a name for herself over the year in this rather difficult media industry. Her journey has not been easy and social media trolls have not been very forbearing. If anything, this live session was a refreshing conversation with the person she is and what she advocates for others.
So, let’s get right into it!
1. Mathira thinks she is not famous!
She credited her success to Babar Tajmul who introduced her to the Pakistani media industry. She appreciated him as he never tried to change her unlike many people tend to do.
2. Some artists dislike Mathira even if they do not even know her, she claims
Mathira shared that the artists she invites on her show often try to bring her down by questioning the network about her competence. Some people even have a problem working with her so they refuse to work on a project if she is brought on board.
3. Mathira also shared what keeps her going in the industry
Regardless of all the hate, she remains positive because that is the only option in her opinion. She realizes that people are going to criticize and project unnecessary hate regardless of what she does. So, she does not give way to negativity as it is not good for her mental health.
She believes that our society is plagued with hypocrisy and they easily dump negative energy onto others without realizing that they can also hit rock bottom. To her dismay, people do not try to learn even when they are going through a rough patch. She always advocates staying humble regardless of a person’s stature.
Mathira praised Humayun Saeed and Adnan Siddique who in her opinion are the real stars of the industry because they are down to earth. They came to her show when she was new to the industry and even now they always extended support.
4. Mathira also shared what she’s learned from her struggles
She shared her experiences with harassment that many boys have attempted under the guise of taking pictures with her. She shared that people assume that she is an easy-going girl who would not mind inappropriate behavior.
Mathira also mentioned that people kept pushing her under the bus when she was doing well in her career. After she got married she hit rock bottom as people would mock her and block her when she contacted them for work. Eventually, things worked out and now the very same people are willing to hang out and socialize.
5. After having dealt with such hypocrisy from industry peers has she pulled back or decided to take the high road?
Her mantra for such people is that she extends the same level of respect to them if she meets them but in her mind, these people do not exist. She believes that she will receive the same energy that she gives in one way or the other. This is why she never disrespects anyone unless they are way out of line.
6. She even opened up about her experience with Tabish Hashmi
Speaking about her experience on the show and the response it has received, she shared that they were two entertainers entertaining the audience. They didn’t think about themselves and all the while they wanted to give good messages.
She praised Tabish as he handled her responses very well with excellent comic timing and reactions, had it been someone else they might have taken it personally.
7. We all know that Mathira has multiple tattoos. She shared some insights behind some of them.
She has a tattoo that represents loyalty, another that represents love, she has her ex-husband’s name on the finger and a big one on her spine. She always loved tattoos as she considers her body to be a canvas and tattoos as art.
8. Mathira is super honest
Recently, Mathira took to social media to address claims by people that she has undergone surgeries. She addressed this because people provoked her. She even mentioned that people within the industry have made ridiculous comments about her body. The inappropriate comments include peers asking her to meet so that they check out her alleged implants. She clarified that she does not have any implants and instead gained weight after her car accident. Mathira also shared that people have made ridiculous remarks regarding her body suggesting that she is sexually active.
9. Mathira has battled unprecedented hate but she always champions through tough times.
When she shifted to Pakistan she did not speak Urdu. She and her sister were the bread earners of the family and they had to face difficulty finding work. She has also encountered harassment but she chooses not to speak about it. It happened and she learned from it but she doesn’t want it to impact her present.
10. Mathira also got candid about her mental health journey and what has worked the best for her.
She has her sister and friends who have been there for her during her dark phases. She has consulted several doctors for her health as well but realized that medication is not the only solution. Only you can begin to try to fix yourself.
11. What makes her stay in the industry?
Her work. If someone wants to work with her they can contact her but she does not waste her energy buttering up people.
12. Mathira also talked about her sister’s debut
Her sister is making her debut in a drama. According to Mathira, her sister is the complete opposite of her personality but she is a good actor and can speak Urdu more fluently.
13. Her upcoming project is her song that she has been waiting to be released for quite some time now. Besides this, she is working on her show.
We also found out some fun facts about Mathira after our rapid-fire round. She is a Pisces, her go-to show on Netflix is Bridgerton and she wants to work with Drake. Her favorite Pakistani actors are Humayun Saeed and Mehwish Hayat. Mathira is willing to work in any industry be it Lollywood and Bollywood as long as she is respected. She aims to grow in a better way with more peace within. Most of her trolls are in fact her fans who send her strange DMs, which is very disturbing. She requested people to be considerate about what they write and be nice. Reading hate comments can be hurtful.