Mehwish Hayat is being trolled for her Kashmir comment in a recent interview

Ever since receiving her ‘Tamgha-e-Imtiaz’ Mehwish Hayat has been catapulted into a sacred kind of stardom. Not that she wasn’t the country’s top grossing female actress, but her award brought her the kind of polarizing fame that just elevated her to the top echelon of fame and celebrity. She has also been vocal ever since her award, in ways she never was before.

Mehwish Hayat has spoken on Kashmir consistently ever since India repealed Article 370

She went on major international TV channels like BBC and Sky News, not only addressing her role as a modern woman in Pakistan but also spoke up about Kashmir because that had coincidentally become a major issue at that time.

Recently, because of a charitable event Mehwish Hayat wasn’t allowed to discuss Kashmir and she’s landed herself in trouble

Penny Appeal is a relief and development organization. It’s the world’s fastest-growing Muslim aid and development charity, working in over 35 countries around the world. Mehwish Hayat joined Penny Appeal as an Ambassador. She is the first South Asian actor to run the London marathon for Pakistan in 2020. She’s raising funds to rebuild 5 schools in Sukkur, Sindh.

At an event organized by the British Muslim Charity to honor orphans, together with parliamentarians and civil society Mehwish was representing the organization. During an interview at this event, Mehwish refused to comment on the current situation of Kashmir after she was asked about it.

A reporter, during the event, asks Mehwish Hayat about the ongoing situation in Kashmir, “ma’am you have taken responsibility of guardianship of orphans. There are thousands of orphans in Kashmir, have you……”

Before he finished his question, Mehwish interrupted “No, no, no, no, no. I have been instructed not to talk on Kashmir.”

This exchange has generated massive backlash for Mehwish Hayat for her Kashmir comment, or rather the lack of it

The backlash apparently got so intense that Mehwish had to release a statement on social media addressing the situation.

“The leaked video is being taken out of context. I’ve been the most vocal on #Kashmir issue globally & will continue to do so. I have big plans for next steps. This was a charity event & was requested by the PR not to be political &not distract from the orphans I was there to help”, she said.

She is being criticized over this and people are wondering who stopped Mehwish Hayat from talking about Kashmir and the atrocities its people are suffering right now

People responded to her explaining to Mehwish Hayat their grievance over Kashmir

Some people just went a little too far, even questioned if she really deserves the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz

However, some people understood the sensitivity of the situation and her helpless as she was told not to touch the topic

And honestly, it does seem silly to hold someone accountable who has been the most vocal celebrity since Article 370 was repealed by India. From her interviews to international media to globally representing Pakistan under a positive light, she put in a lot of effort.

Some of her fellow celebrities also came to defend Mehwish Hayat over this silly Kashmir controversy

Mehwish Hayat has done some noble things for the progress of Pakistan and has been overall very vocal about everything. Her being trolled over a charitable engagement and calling for her award to be taken back is a little too harsh.

What are your thoughts on this? Should the ‘Tamgha-E-Imtiaz’ be revised?

Why Do Pakistanis Hate Our Female Celebrities So Much?


Cover via: @MehwishHayat  via Twitter /@aqibislam via Twitter