Zayn Malik is quite the sensation among angsty teens all around the world but his Pakistani roots make him subject to a lot of swooning in hormonal Pakistani girls. Unbeknownst to many, Zayn also has men hoping to canoodle with him, if fate allows. These screenshots of straight people saying “no homo but I’m homo for Zayn” bears witness to just that.

I mean, really, have you SEEN Zayn shirtless?

Here are some men from all over the world who wouldn’t mind doing the nasty with Zayn Malik ’cause why should girls have all the fun?

1. This guy who’s ready to worship the ground Zayn Malik walks on.

2. This alpha-male who’s jealous of Zayn’s superior gene pool.

3. This selfie king who wouldn’t mind doing the needful to get Zayn’s attention.

4. This bowtie beau who thinks Zayn was a demigod with that damn fine hair strand.

5. This brown dude who likes surprises.

6. This gym buff straight-up addressed the elephant in the room.

7. This confused champion of all champions who is seriously reconsidering his sexuality.

And we’re looking past that One Dalmatian-Direction screw up because we care.

8. This guy who is suddenly swinging the other way.

9. This man with the heart of gold.

10. And this one who just can’t control himself.

11. This one who thinks Zayn gives Taher Shah a run for his money.

12. And this little nugget who has practically planned the rest of his life with the ex-One Directioner.

13. This funky up-do guy who has a vivid imagination.

14. This homeboy who thinks Zayn deserves the world’s sexiest man award.

15. This young bloke who has a damn fine taste…in men.

16. And this one who’s down for quoting some James Blunt on the guitar.

17. This wild card who doesn’t like privacy very much.

18. This victorious victor who is ready for the ultimate sacrifice.

19. This fine chap who thinks Zayn is the freshest dude on the block.

20. This fine gentleman waiting on the altar.

21. And this guy whose self esteem is in danger

22. This guy who is ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY amazed at Zayn’s ability to look smashing in anything and everything.

23. This man who’s straight up ready to commit.

24. And this person who doesn’t mind untimely guests.

Inspired by this thread.

Zayn is kind of #dreamguygoals.

Zarra ye bhee check karein:

Zayn Malik Broke Up With Gigi And Pakistani Guys Are Not Happy


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zayn malik