You must have heard how cancer is one of the worst diseases, it is fatal for most people if it isn’t detected in time and the treatment that exists is intense. The physical as well as emotional scars that cancer leaves are almost unhealable. Breast cancer, in particular, is a much worse form of cancer because in a society like ours where conservative values prevent us talking about our bodies or even saying out words like ‘breast’ cause gasps and blushes from all and sundry, health issues related to these bodies are mostly swept under the carpet.

As a Pakistani, you are more susceptible to the disease:

Pink Ribbon Society, a breast cancer awareness organization, says Pakistan has the highest incidence of breast cancer in South Asia. One in every 9 women in Pakistan is likely to be diagnosed with the disease.

While the word associates this type of cancer with women, it is not just they who are affected by breast cancer. Men are also diagnosed with this disease.

Hormonal imbalances, sedentary lifestyle and highly processed diet is blamed for causing breast cancer, although there is no concrete evidence as to how these risk factors cause cells in the body to become cancerous.

Here’s how you can treat cancer:

And as far as treatment is concerned, it is usually determined by the doctor post-diagnosis depending on how far along the disease is and can range from surgical removal of the tumor (and breasts, sometimes) to intense chemotherapy, which causes hair loss, nausea and oral health problems among other things.

In order to raise awareness about breast cancer and to engage the public at large many important personalities and even buildings are utilized. In Pakistan, last night (Sunday, October 25, 2015), Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore was lit in Pink lights.

It was not just Minar-e-Pakistan that got drenched in a shade of Pink. Monuments, landmarks and famous buildings all across the world celebrated what the Pink Ribbon Society is calling ‘Pinktober’, to commemorate October which is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month across the world.

Here is what the world looked like in Pink light:Sour

Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia.

Source: Trip Advisor Media Center

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France.

Source:Isarda Sorenson

Empire State Building, New York, USA.

Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

University of Leeds, UK.

White House, Washington D.C. USA.

Here’s to you all who are fighting this disease yourself or through a family member who is going through it. Love your bodies, know your bodies and stay healthy!