Oral nicotine pouches have gained popularity in recent years as a smoke-free, Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) product. Despite their growing use, many misconceptions surround these pouches. To disregard these misconceptions, Dr. Faraz Ahmed, a general physician in Karachi, calls for the dissemination of accurate information about oral nicotine pouches to fully realize their harm reduction potential. “For a country like Pakistan, oral nicotine pouches can be immensely effective in reducing the number of smoking-related illnesses and fatalities. There are several rumors and misunderstandings related to nicotine pouches that are baseless. We have evidence from Sweden, where these pouches have proven to substantially reduce smoking-related harm.”

Myth #1: Oral Nicotine Pouches Contain Tobacco

Fact: Nicotine pouches are a tobacco-free product. Their main ingredients include nicotine, flavoring, and plant-based fibers. The nicotine used in these pouches is extracted from the tobacco plant and crystallized into a salt form, but the pouches themselves do not contain tobacco.

Myth #2: Oral Nicotine Pouches are as Harmful as Smoking

Fact: The harmful effects of smoking come from the carcinogenic smoke, not the nicotine. Nicotine pouches are smoke-free and do not release toxic chemicals. They essentially only deliver nicotine and flavoring. Therefore, nicotine pouches are considerably less harmful than smoking.

Myth #3: Oral Nicotine Pouches Cause Smell

Fact: Smoking involves burning tobacco, which releases harmful chemicals and produces visible smoke. Whereas nicotine pouches contain nicotine and are placed under the upper lip. In short, nicotine pouches offer a discreet alternative to smoking, minimizing the impact on smell and passive smoke exposure.

Myth #4: Oral Nicotine Pouches Lack Flavor

Fact: Oral nicotine pouches are available in a wide range of flavors, catering to diverse preferences. Common flavors include mint, citrus, berry, coffee, and even traditional tobacco-like flavors. The discreet nature of nicotine pouches, combined with pleasant flavors, are a pleasant change for those seeking an alternative to smoking.

Myth #5: Oral Nicotine Pouches Cause Excess Drooling

Fact: Modern nicotine pouches are designed to minimize drooling, making them convenient and mess-free. They are designed to fit comfortably under the upper lip and minimize movement. These pouches use a mixture of cellulose fibers and other materials to reduce drool.

In conclusion, Pakistan faces a pressing challenge with high smoking rates. However, by embracing nicotine pouches and dispelling myths surrounding them, we can pave the way for informed choices. Educating the public about harm reduction options is crucial, as it ultimately contributes to reduced smoking rates and bettering public health.