Feminists. Ugh.

Source: 20th Century Fox Television

Let’s face it – Pakistani feminists are a threat to our society. Why? Because they have all these ridiculously absurd beliefs. Now, personally, I’m a feminist. Which is exactly why I know how dangerous we, as a movement, truly are. Let me help you identify the threat we post to our perfect, flawless society:

Firstly, the name of the movement itself is a red flag. Feminism. 

Why is it called feminism? Why not femeninism? Men ko kyun bhool gaye? Okay, fine – there’s the idea that women are oppressed and it makes sense for a movement against that oppression to be named after them. But no. How dare they only put the feminine aspect in the name? Next, they’ll start saying they’re equal to men also.

Feminists want equality between sexes in all spheres of life.

Oh, wait. Feminists do actually believe in a sense of equality between men and women. There’s this concept that men and women balance each other out in terms of strengths. And that actually puts women at an equal standing with men. And…okay, yeah. It makes sense.

But because feminists say it, kuch toh garbar hogi. 

Via Tenor/makeagif.com

They want women to be a more active part of society…

Woah, woah, woah. And just let men and their roles wither away? Nope.

Source: CW Television

…Without taking away from the roles of men.

Oh, turns out they just want to be recognized for their contributions. And don’t want their options to be limited. That means some of the roles they want to take up have been predominantly male-centric, but they’re looking to be helpful additions.


They believe in breaking glass ceilings.

Bas torhne ka hee sochti rahein yeh feminists. Ugh. So typical.

What is this idea of “challenging norms” and “working hard to prove your mettle?” What is this obsession with wanting to earn equal opportunities through hard work and based on merit? Ainvayi, fazool shauq hain saaray. 

They think stuff like having a right to make their own decisions is okay.


Making their own decisions.

It – it doesn’t add up. That makes no sense. Why would they even think that’s okay? How is this an acceptable thing to believe? What do they want to plot?

Via Giphy

Oh, they also believe you have a right to your body.

They think that just because it’s their body, they have a right to its ownership. Matlab, kuch bhi.

These feminists also want to advocate for men’s rights.

Isn’t that just womansplaining everything? I mean yeah, we criticize feminists for when they’re too into women and don’t speak about men a lot. But also, how dare they speak about men, right? They don’t stand for men.

Woh alag baat hai ke men also don’t stand for men. And some men, (not ALL men) discourage the women who speak up for men. But feminists ko unki jagah dikhani hoti hai, you know?

Via Imgur

They kinda don’t want anyone to be mistreated or harassed. 

It doesn’t sound evil. But because feminists want this, it probably is. Probably some dark scheme they’re hatching, laughing at us from the shadows.

And they actually raise their voices against this harassment. 

Bloody snowflakes. Can’t even deal with catcalling, ogling, assault and other forms of mild to severe harassment.

The attitude here is to pretend like all these things don’t happen (till they happen to you.) Or, you simply blame the victim.

Take that, feminists. Don’t you dare come in here trying to mess up this system.

Source: First Street Films/Salty Productions

Feminists want to speak up against previously taboo topics.

Mental illnesses? Menstruation? Divorce? Sexuality? Yeah, all these liberal shiberal ideas have no place in our society. We like to pretend that none of these things exist. It’s just easier.

They want to empower and appreciate men and women everywhere. 

Um, as if?

Source: Warner Bros Pictures / Via Tumblr

They claim they aren’t associated with misandrists in any way. 

So they want us to believe that misandrists – people who despise men – and feminists are completely different. And okay, yeah – by definition, it makes sense too. Plus, if you simply look these terms up in a dictionary or observe how these groups act, you’ll get a better understanding of the differences.

But no. Confusing the two and staying oblivious and ignorant is just a whole lot easier.

Feminists want you to believe they’re on your side. 

They just want their rights and don’t want you to think of them as the enemy. And they kinda just want everyone to get along.

Or so they say. Can we really believe them?

Source: HBO

Bhai, this feminism sheminism is clearly super dangerous, theek hai? All this equal rights wala chakkar and wanting harmony between all sexes – matlab kya samajh ke rakha hai, haina? Khair, let us know what you think about all these Pakistani feminists in the comments below. Don’t hold back. Waisay bhi, you never do.