Maybe she just wants Pakistan to have a better relationship with Donald Trump?


Flipping through news channels on a slow news day in Pakistan always proves to be very entertaining. It always reminds me of what a diverse and interesting group of people us Pakistanis actually are. So when I stumbled across a news clip of Ammara Mazhar, a Pakistani woman seeking justice I was pretty intrigued regarding her case.


Ammarah claims she is the daughter of the current President of the United States, Donald Trump



Yep, this guy.


I thought she would have at least a credible story to back her claims up; something along the lines of how her mother and Trump could have crossed paths which then lead to a union and subsequently Ammarah’s birth. But nope, all Ammarah talked about was how she is Trump’s daughter and she had to walk across the world and somehow ended up in Pakistan.


She says she was kidnapped as a child but doesn’t really clarify who kidnapped her.

But all she says is when she was in India, there was chaos in the assembly there and ‘Shahbaz Sharif uncle’ had something to do with it. IT’S A WHOLE ASS MESS. Even I don’t understand what she’s saying or trying to say after watching the video over a dozen times.

Source: Walt Disney Pictures

Ammarah is now asking the Supreme Court to send her to America so she can rejoin her father who according to Ammarah, misses her dearly. And as to the money she is entitled to from her wealthy father which could presumably help her in getting to American, Ammarah says her father said he had given all her money to Pakistan’s politicians. And that is why Ammarah has to turn to the Supreme Court for help.


People seem to have found the entire situation pretty hilarious.

Source: 24 News HD/Facebook

But observing Ammarah’s frantic claims and hearing her story which was all over the place, made me believe she wasn’t doing this on purpose or for her 15 minutes of fame but because there just might be a mental disorder behind all this behavior. It is not unheard of for people who suffer from psychotic disorders to have delusions like the ones Ammarah seems to be voicing.


And clearly, I am not the only one who recognized Ammarah’s need to see a specialist:


Let’s hope Ammarah gets the help that she needs to get better.

You can watch Ammarah’s interview below:

What do you think about Ammarah’s claims? Let us know in the comments.



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Cover Image Source: Waqas Ahmed via