Pakistanis are having a field day with that hilarious Air Blue PDA video

The intensity of the ghairat brigade in Pakistan is known to all. So is the hypocrisy, since this ghairat seems to show up only when it’s about expressions of love and never about expressions of violence or oppression. Well, the ghairat brigade has struck once again over a couple’s public display of affection (PDA) and Pakistani on social media are having a lot of fun with it.


Recently, a video went viral where a man was seen narrating how, while traveling on an Air Blue flight, he was shocked by seeing a couple engaged in PDA

According to the “morally upright” gentleman in the video – who also happens to be a lawyer, allegedly – on the morning of May 20, 2021 he was traveling from Karachi to Islamabad when a couple was seen engaged in some PDA and some of the passengers, including our “morally upright” gentleman here as well, were uncomfortable seeing two consenting adults engage in expressing love. The man also revealed that the couple snapped back at him for infringing on their privacy when he complained about them.

It was also revealed that as soon as the passengers complained about the couple, a flight attendant gave them a blanket, after warning them once, so they could carry on with their “amorous” activity under it.


As soon as the Air Blue PDA incident went viral, Pakistanis couldn’t help but be entertained by the haww haye-ing going on in the video


Some imagined the scenario going on inside the flight between the couple and the puritanical gentleman in the infamous video


There were jokes about the man in the viral video being too much of a prude


There were also demands that the flight attendant who gave the couple a blanket should be given promotion or a medal for the inclusive, kind and progressive way she dealt with the situation


While others shone light to the rather sad standard of morality where expressions of love cause such an uproar while cries from violence against people falls on deaf ears


There has also been a complaint registered with the CAA against the Air Blue PDA couple by the lawyer, in the video

Of course, people are also taking this development as an opportunity to troll him for being such a puritan.

All fun and games aside, it is indeed shockingly sad that CAA is apparently pursuing action against the couple for expressing love to each other. Fair, that it isn’t Pakistani culture to publicly express love in a physical manner but why do incidents of violence against a spouse keep on happening in broad daylight while people look the other way, labeling it as a “personal matter” among the couple? Is our culture one that embraces violence and not love?



Here’s What Happened When My Husband And I Were Caught Doing “PDA” In Our Car

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Cover image: @tweetsbytahreem via Twitter /