Make peace not war, right?

Fatima Bhutto, author and granddaughter of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, has been in the spotlight for quite some time.

Source: Maloomat

Thanks to her last name, a history follows her rich in politics surrounding Pakistan and her family who had an instrumental hand in influencing the country.

This morning, Indian fighter jets crossed into the Line of Control into Pakistan patrolled Kashmir. Subsequently, most of Pakistan went into a state of hysteria trying to figure out the exact details of what had even occurred.

And following the intrusion of Indian war jets in Pakistan patrolled Kashmir this morning, Bhutto condemned war and wished for peace in both countries.

Her tweets caught the attention of Pakistanis all over the world.

However, it seems that people are not fully on board with the sentiment.

Following her message, Pakistanis have mixed emotions with regards to Fatima’s opinion on the strong rivalry at hand.

Some are on her side, seeing the benefit of pushing for peace as opposed to war.

However, many, believe that war is the only answer at this point and that wishing for peace is too naive.

With conversations and viewpoints like these, it is clear to see where the headspace of so many Pakistanis lie.

Though peace is the best solution to all of these inter-country politics, it seems that both countries are so riled up, that a chance for peaceful dialogue will not be achieved without international intervention.

Have you seen Fatima’s tweets? What do you think about them? Let us know what you think of this entire situation in the comments below.

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Cover photo source: Dawn