Not looking too good for BBC.

In a recent interview with our Finance Minister, BBC apparently trimmed out some choice words of Asad Umar and suffice to say, Pakistanis are pretty pissed about it.

Source: The News

The host of the BBC talk show ‘HARDtalk,’ Stephen Sackur and Umar spoke about a number of topics and allegedly, that included words on Kulbushan Jadhav, an Indian spy who was sentenced to death by a Pakistani military tribunal in 2017.

Unfortunately, no one heard what Umar had to say on the topic of India’s role in terrorism as conveniently, that information was withheld from the public and trimmed out of the video.

This was pretty much enough to piss a whole lot of Pakistanis off.

People are livid that BBC would take such action and are calling out the hugely successful news channel for their role in promoting censorship.

And it’s brought up the conversation of censorship in this country overall, as well.

In lieu of this negative attention, BBC came forward and put out a statement, completely assuring the public that the name was omitted out of the TV version of the interview, due to a technical error and nothing else.

They have even been putting clips of the interview on their social media.

Of course, that was enough to get Pakistanis riled up again.

Super riled up.

The topic of censorship and media censorship in this country specifically have been major topics of concern not only for those reporting but for the public who want to know the realities of their own country.

Something like this may not be the best step for a platform like BBC and if what they claim is true, it seems as though Pakistanis are past the point of listening.

Have you seen the interview? Watch the whole thing here.

What do you think of the ‘technical’ issue? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Cover photo source: The News/Walton And Allen